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Garroths pov

I was hosting a party at my place! Then a thought popped in my mind, how about I invite Zane over! It'll be great to see him again. I set up snacks and music, Laurence is going to be so surprised to finally meet Zane! And maybe Katelyn can point out that idiot who slept with Zane. Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Travis, and Dante already arrived. Laurence mingled around and I played different music to set a fun mood.

Zanes pov

"How do I look?" I asked Katelyn as I pushed up my curly hair. "You look fiiiiiine! Now can we walk inside? And I'm sorry about telling Garroth about you're boy toy." She smiled. "Don't worry about it. Just don't point him out at the party okay?" I said grabbing her hand as we walked in. She nodded her head. Her face seemed red I'm worried. "Zane! Oh I missed you! Look how you've grown!" Garroth wrapped his arms around me spinning me around. "Let go you idiot!" I yelled. Garroth set me down. "I'm sorry I've just misssd you so much!! Is this the famous Katelyn I've heard so much about?" Garroth asked turning to her. "Hopefully all good things!" She smiled. "Great things." Garroth giggled. "Welcome get comfortable! The food and drinks are on the right by the t.v" He said walking back to the radio. "Jeez I know like zero people here." I said worried. "D-don't worry im right here! Hold my hand, that way you won't get lost." Katelyn said shaking. She must be just as nervous as me. I grabbed her hand it was warm. "Thanks pal, now want some snacks?" I asked. "Yup." She replied as we walked over to the snack table.

Laurence's pov

My eyes followed Zane as he moved around the room. Katelyn could see me staring but didn't seem to do anything about it. I can't get him out of my head. The things I'd do to him if he wasn't Garroths little brother. The party was going smoothly. Zane danced with Katelyn and I kept my hands away from him and just watched his hips. It was peaceful until Gene walked in.

Katelyns pov

Zane had his arms around my neck and I had my hands around his waist. We danced he looked so happy. I loved his smile. "Sup bitch." Some ass hat behind Zane said as he slapped his butt. Zane broke our embrace to face the guy. I clenched my fists and stayed silent. "Hands off pal, I'm hanging out with my friend." Zane barked. "Oooo, come on. I've never seen someone like you around town. You new here?" Gene smirked. "I said I'm not interested!" Zane said aggressively. "Awe come on darlin'." Gene rubbed up and down Zanes body until I couldn't take it. I grabbed his wrist and tossed him onto the ground pinning him under me. "Garroth! It's that guy from last night!" I cried out as I smirked at the idiot under me. "What?!!" Garroth shouted. He dragged the guy to the back of the house and I stood up and grabbed Zanes hand. "Thanks for that Kate." Zane smiled warmly. I kissed his hand. "Anything for my princess." I laughed.

Laurence's pov

Katelyn...she seems to care a lot for Zane. I can have fun with this. It was hard to think over Gene screaming though.

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