Date pt1

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Zanes pov

I thought about it for a little while and I decided to just head home. "Katelyn let's go home." She nodded and followed me to our car. The drive home was silent you could cut the tension with a sword. I stared out the window at the pretty street lights. "Zane." Katelyn said. I didn't respond. "You don't have to talk okay? Just listen. Your all I have, so I'm a little over protective. Okay more than a little but you know what I mean. And I just wanted to apologize for tonight." She said. Her face looked sad in the dim light. "You know I can't stand to see you like that. How about we watch a movie and forget this happened?" I giggled. "Heh, I'd like that." She smiled. As the drive continued I got a message.

L: Hey.
Z: Who's this?
L: Laurence.
Z: Goodbye
L: Wait. I wanted to ask you something.
Z: Ask away, it doesn't mean I have to respond.
L: We haven't gotten the chance to talk, or at least know each other better. So would you like to go to dinner? Like a date.
Z: And why should I say yes?
L: Free food.
Z: I'd love to
L: I'll see ya tmm at 10:00 meet me at  Kawaii Diner
Z: Fine im convinced

Katelyn spoke bringing me back to reality. "Who ya texting?" She asked. "Erm, Garroth. You know how he gets." I laughed. "Heh, I know what you mean." We pulled up at our small house. As we walked out the car rain began to pour. We laughed running towards the house. Completely drenched we toss ourselves on the couch. "Sooo~ How bout' that movie?" Katelyn chuckled. We joked and laughed the whole movie. It was nice to kick back and relax like we used to.

Time skip

I woke up sprawled out on our couch with Katelyn half way falling off. I chuckled and checked the time. "Gah! It's 9:00!" I have exactly one hour to get ready for that stupid date. I dashed to the bathroom to shower. What a great way to start off my morning. As soon as I finished showering I bolted to my room to pick out an outfit. "No, no, No! I've worn this too much. That one is tacky." Every outfit I saw just wasn't right. Until I found the perfect one. A loose gray tank top, with ripped black jeans. I didnt have much time to think about it. I tossed it on and planted a kiss on Katelyns forehead as I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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