Not so fun

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Zanes pov

Everyone danced happily after Gene left. Laurence watched me from afar. I just pretended not to noticed. "Hey Zane. May I have this dance?" Laurence approached. "Back off pal! He's dancing with me." Katelyn growled. "It's fine Kate I'll be back after this song k?" I offered. "One wrong move and you are dead Laurence!" Katelyn said as he moved me across the dance floor. His hands were warm on my hips. He moved swiftly to the song like he already knew every beat. "Eh? From hating me to dancing with me?" I giggled. "What can I say I'm unpredictable." He spun me. "Well unpredictable is a problem." I smirked. "What? Is that an issue?!" Laurence asked flustered. "Pfft, of course it is. But don't worry." I leaned into his shoulder. "I like problems." I smiled. "You are something else." He laughed. "Why are you so suddenly interested in me?" I questioned. "Well I-" Laurence was cut off as Katelyn pulled me aside. "That song is coming to an end. Let's dance!" She smiled. "Wait he was going to-" "Shhhh! Hush Zane this is my favorite part." She giggled. "Katelyn, seriously I should head-" "Naaah! Zane let's go dance." She pulled a little harder. "Katelyn I really should be going-" "Please don't go with him." Her words stopped me completely. "Zane just stay here with me. I just want to hold you..." She confesses holding me tighter. "What's the sudden clinging mood? Is something wrong?" I asked. "Nothing Zane! Haha!" She tried taking me further to the dance floor but Laurence grabbed my wrist. "I believe I was talking with him." Laurence mentioned. "I believe the song ended." Katelyn growled. "Well I believe you took him away before it ended." Laurence stared her down. "A deals a deal dick face." Katelyn retaliated. "That didn't even-" I didn't let the arguing continue. I walked outside. Of course I didn't go alone. "Zane! Are you okay? Was it something Laurence did?" Katelyn asked. "No..." I responded. "Then what's up?" She asked. "It's you! Why can't you let me be happy?! You're not the only person here who wants to be around me!" I shout. "Zane I- I just really, really l-" "No! I don't wanna hear any excuses! Just let me breathe! Just...leave for now." I finally say. She seems hurt but she understands and goes back inside. "Jeez what a clinger am I right?" Laurence laughed. "You can fuck off too. Fighting with her when you know damn well where that'll lead is just as annoying." I replied. "Oh...understandable.." and like that I was finally alone. So I could think.

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