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Zanes pov

Katelyn lectured me about having boys in the house then went to shower. I sat beside Laurence and watched t.v. The sound of ponies talking and singing filled the silence. I let out a sigh of relaxation as I sank into my couch. "WHERE AM I?" Laurence sprung up knocking me off the couch. "Ugh, look who's up. You're at my house. Duh." I laughed dusting myself off. "Oh thank Irene, so it was all a dream right? You're not a guy?" He said hopeful. "No buddy you still smashed a dude." I giggled. He smashed his face into a pillow and groaned. "I don't see the problem Laurence. Nothing's wrong with being a little gay here and there." I said rubbing his back. "That's just half the problem Zane! You're Zane, Zane Ro'Meave! Younger brother of Garroth Ro'Meave!" He sighed again. "What? Yeah my family is pretty famous but you don't have to worry. We're not dating or anything." I retaliated. "Yeah but best friend...." He had a shameful look on his face. "Wait! Oh my Irene! I haven't seen my brother in years! You're that guy he's always rambling about! Ewwwwwwww! And we, ew gross I don't want to think about it! Ugh, we can work this out." I said in a panic. "Let's just act like we've never met okay? I can leave we don't have to remember this ever." He picked up his coat. A part of me felt hurt, but he could go if he wanted. Why would I care? "Y-yeah bye...see you whenever I guess." I replied with a half smile. "Hopefully not." Were his parting words. It felt like the butterflies in my stomach just killed themselves.

Laurence's pov

Did I feel like an asshole? Yes. Do I care about him? Not in the slightest, just gotta make sure he doesn't think we have anything special. Who'd like someone with such ugly freckles or fluffy hair and chubby thighs and- erm a fat, face? Ugh Garroth is waiting I should hurry.

*time skip*

I entered my home to see Garroth sitting angrily by the phone. "H-hey pal! What's wrong?" I asked. "Zanes roommate says he had some guy over that he might have slept with." Garroth slammed his fist into the table. "Whaaaaaaat?! That's crazy!" I said nervously. "I swear if I ever see that guy he'll be sleeping with a knife in his ass from now on! Zanes to pure to be tricked by wannabe casanovas." Garroth marched to me. "Eh but at least I know you wouldn't do something as scummy as that." He hugged me and said goodnight as he walked up stairs. Oh please Irene tape that girls mouth shut.

Katelyns pov

Hmph Zane should really watch what he's doing. At least his brother can handle the dude when he sees him.

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