Chapter 2

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The door opened and there was a sliver of light coming through the gap, but it was quickly replaced by a shadow. I turned my head to the right and saw my digital clock just turn to 01:00AM. So I’d been asleep for three hours. I looked back towards the door and saw the shadow getting closer to the bed. I was just about to scream when I heard my brothers voice float towards me, “You awake? “.  Dylan was my big brother, he also liked to think of himself as my guardian angel. Every night since the accident he comes into my room to check that I was ok, he also called me twice a day for the exact same reason.

“No Dyl, I’m out for a jog” I replied sarcastically. He was used to my sarcasm, so he just lied on the bed next to me and giggled.

Halfway through giggling he whispered “alright, let me know when your back. In the meantime I’ll just lay here.” Now it was my turn to giggle.

Instead of answering I rolled over and hugged him. Dylan was two years older than me and because of that he always felt like he had to protect me from the world. According to him I was this fragile little girl who needed protecting from everything. However I was pretty sure that if I could survive my boyfriend dying in a car crash, then I could survive anything. But Dylan was the real reason that I had survived, he’d not only stopped me from getting into the car that had killed Michael, but he had also been there for me and held my hand through all of it. For that, I was thankful. Although there were days that I wished I hadn’t listened to him and got into that car. Cause I know I would have made Michael wear his seat belt and then maybe he would be here with me.

“You know you can’t hate me, you love me too much.” Typical Dylan, he always seems to know what I’m thinking.

“I can try.”

“Really? Go on then.” He sounded amused and unfortunately he knows me too well. “By the way I love you Louisa”.

“Ok Dyl, I give up. I bloody love you too and you just won’t let me forget it.”

“You know that’s the reason why I didn’t let you get into that car”. Once again he somehow knew what I was thinking.

“Please don’t. Dyl I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“No Lou you have to know.” He took a deep breath and I realised that this was just as hard for him to say as it was for me to hear. “ I had woke up that morning with a really bad feeling, it was like you wasn’t there anymore. I could feel you slipping away, that’s why I came into you and asked what your plans were. I somehow knew that I couldn’t let you leave my side and if you did, I knew I was going to lose you and don’t ask how I knew, I just did. Then when you said about going out with mike and his family, the feeling got worse. It was like someone had got a knife and was carving my heart out. So I knew I couldn’t let you go, that’s why I said that we had plans. I’m just glad that you listened to me. Lou, I’m sorry for lying, but I couldn’t lose you, I just couldn’t.”

I knew that I should have been angry with him, but he sounded like he was in pain and he didn’t have to tell me. Deep down I knew something like this was coming, since the day of the accident he’d been too protective.

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