chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It couldn't be.

It just couldn't be true. How could I be looking down at myself. This has to be a dream. It has to be. Hasn't it??

"Mum, how is she?' I look up from myself and see Dylan standing there next to our mum. He has his hand on her shoulder and is looking down at me, at my body. He looks just like mum, he too has black circles round his eyes and his eyes are red and swollen like he's been crying for days on end.

'Dyl, I'm fine, I'm right here.' I whisper, not trusting my voice. But he doesn't hear me. Its like I'm not here and I guess I'm not really. He sits down on the side on the bed and takes my hand.

'Mum go get a coffee or something. Actually go home, dad and bailey are worried about you. Go get some rest, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere' he says without taking his eyes from my face. Our mum doesn't reply, instead she just gets up, kisses my forehead whispers 'I love you' pats Dylan's shoulder and walks out. I watch her every move and she just looks defeated, like her world has just ended, like she's given up.

After she leaves I just stare at the door for a minute, hoping that this will all just dissolve and I'll wake up in my bed with bailey jumping on me. But it doesn't , everything stays the same and I turn back around to look at my big brother who's also sitting there looking lost. what the hell is going on??

I go and stand next to Dylan and put my hand on his shoulder. "What's going on dyl? What happened?"

After a second I realise that he can't hear me, I take my hand off his shoulder and kiss his cheek. Tears roll silently down my face as I take one more look at myself lying there and turn around. I walk to the door, but stop and take a deep breath before stepping out into the white hall.

I'm just about to step out when I hear Dylan talk " I love you Lou. Please don't leave me, I won't survive, please don't go. Come back to us, come back to me, I need you...."

"I love you Dylan, so much. I'm sorry..." And with that I take that final step and walk out into the hall way.

I'm straight away blinded, everything is so white and bright, I turn around to step back into the room but its gone. I'm standing in an empty white space. Its so bright it hurts my eyes, I look around but I can't see anything. Out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow and turn around to look at it, but its gone.


No, it can't be. That's his voice, how?? I'd never thought I'd hear his voice again, never hear him say my name again, hes dead. I turn around and sure enough Michael is standing there. Hes wearing his favourite jeans and shirt that I'd bought him for his birthday, his last birthday. "Mike?" I feel like an idiot I know its him, but it just can't be true.

"Louisa what are you doing here? Your not suppose to be here, not yet." He looks angry and as much as I want to run and hug him, I'm too scared to move. "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE? NOT HER, ANYONE BUT NOT HER, NOT YET. TAKE HER BACK NOW." he shouts at no one that I can see.

"Mike, your scaring me. Who are you talking to?" I take a step towards him and he immediately steps back.

" stay there, don't come near me, don't touch me. Stay away from me, you don't belong here." He sounds so angry and his words bring tears to my eyes. I pinch myself , this has to be a dream or a nightmare. I don't know which but I have to wake up, I have to. I close my eyes and pinch myself again, please wake up. Its not working.

"Louisa, stop it. Your not asleep, this isn't a dream. Your dead. "

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