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Ozpin called Lance into his office a few weeks later, and he dismissed Chara after a talk about whatever the man wanted to speak with her about. Chara soon left the room, leaving me and Ozpin to talk. "So Ozpin, aside from my sister's entry, there is a man named James Ironwood," He snickered for a second. "On his way up now, and hello Professor Goodwitch." I said as she entered from her office above Ozpin's. She nodded and looked at the elevator, unhappily, the doors opening to reveal the General, clearly too confident. He waved me out, but I stay still and he turns to me slightly irked at my disrespect of his status.

"Excuse me, Ozpin, am I supposed to be intimidated by this man?" I ask, smirking while I look at the rage on his face. The general looked at me and asked, "May I know what your name is?" 'Oh his reaction is gonna be priceless.' I thought and said, "General James Ironwood, I'm Lance Dreemur, nice to meet you." A look of disbelief appeared and crossed his face, before ​he got angry and looked at me as if I was crazy. He looked to Ozpin, and Ozpin nodded, chuckling at James's reaction.

Ironwood turned back to me and I looked at the fleet, "You know James, I am from Atlas but I've never seen a show of arrogance like this." I said and he shouted, "Your obviously lying, the Dreemurs are dead, and your too young, you must be bluffing." He drew his hand back as if he was going to slap me, and I used my magic to levitate him, fire and bones appearing at my sides. I began to lay on the sarcasm, "The amazing General of the Atleasian army, standing up to honest royalty, threatening and insulting me, my family and my friends."

I said, tapping my chin, "Hell, your uncle killed my brother Asriel, and he is only back due to a false soul like the one Penny Polendina has, and your great, great, great grandfather declared war on my friend's ancestors and struck the first blow." I made the magic drop him to the floor lightly and I clapped, "How responsible." I said and he looked at me with awe, fear and curiosity. Ozpin looked at me shocked and asked, "What do you mean, 'You're from Atlas?" I chuckled and looked at him, "I was born in Atlas, around ten years ago​ I was sick of the bullshit that was going down with the SDC and the Faunus they enslaved. I ran from the orphanage I was raised in and hid on a boat to Menagerie. I ran off to the mountain, Ebott, and I stayed there, it became my home. I got a job cleaning for people and making tools and helping fix things."

I sighed. "I bought food and clothing with what I made​ and I one day, fell down into the kingdom of Monsters. It took a total of 4 tries to beat my mother in a battle, without killing her. It became progressively more difficult until I reached the second to last challenge, Sans. One of his basic attacks can shred a Goliath, then Dad. His fire magic is rivaled only by my Mom's, and my brother Asriel. I decided to help bring the kingdom out of disparity​ and suffering, bringing hope." I explained glowing my eye and projecting images against the wall, the images showed me and the monsters, my siblings and parents. Sans and Papyrus were genuinely smiling and Napstablook was smiling with Mettaton. Ozpin looked at the scene with a small smile and he said, "So, we can see the monsters, but can we meet one?"

I nodded and snapped my fingers, vanishing. I jumped to Helldin and I grabbed a sleeping Sans by the collar and, in my best Papyrus impression yelled. "SANS GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP, PLEASE." Sans immediately bolted awake and said, "I'm up boss." He looked around and saw me standing up, holding his collar in my hand. "Your coming with me." I said and we teleported back to Ozpin's office, James was standing again and he sipped his flask. "I'm back, with Sans." I said and Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda, and James looked at me in shock. Sans sat there, smiling at the humans in front of him and he looked at me and said, "Your Highness."

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