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I wonder the streets alone, watching the sunset flow. The beautiful shades of red, pink yellow and orange all falling into one shade of a star-lit blue. As I get lost in the scenery I hear my name being called, I look back to see my half brother. I sigh, looking back to the stars hoping something good will happen tomorrow.

"Sapphire!" He calls, I turn back and set a glare
"What do you want, Ryan?" I say, looking down at the eighteen year old with scruffy brown hair he smiles as he hears I'm speaking to him for once and very possibly the last time.
"Jack has gone mental again."
"What did you do now?" I ask, grabbing my bag and running to the house. He left the door open. RYAN LEFT THE FREAKING DOOR OPEN! I throw my bag inside and hear my cat screech. I shrug and run to find Jack.

-:An Hour Later:-

"Found him yet?" I ask Ryan
"No, he's completely out of sight."
"Ugh." Jack sighs behind me, I jump back in shock, yeah. I know. Scared of an idiot. Big deal. Long story.

"Where have you been child?" I sigh punching him I smile to Ryan, I'm kinda glad he told me Jack went mental but he shouldn't have annoyed him.
"How did Jack go mental in the first place?" I ask
"I said 'Jaggie'" He sighs and I laugh
"I don't blame you, the ships priceless."
"No kidding," he tuts
"Did you just tut me?"
"What if I did?"
"I like you."
"Yay." I giggle and he yawns
"See you in the morning sis."
"Not if I see you first." I smirk and he smiles
"Your childish ways will never fade."
"I'm happy with that."

-:- Next Day -:-

"Sapphire... Sapph? OI!" Ryan speaks whilst shaking me. I open my eyes and yawn, what time is it?
"Time you got your big butt out of bed." He sighs
"How did you know what I was thinking?"
"You said it."
"Yeah, anyways Jacks hungry. So am I. Feed us."
"Make your own food. Make Jacks too." I groan, pulling the fluffy pillow over my face. He grabs the one from behind my head and whacks me in the face with it. "I just woke up! I haven't done my make-up yet! Aaaggh!" I yell, getting out of bed whist shooing him out the door. "I'll be out in twenty."
"More like sixty." He mutters
"I heard that!"
"Already been two minutes."
"Fine!" I grumble heading over to my closet grabbing my jeans and jacket. What? It's a Monday for gods sake!
"Talking to me or yourself?" Ryan asks and I grit my teeth
"Shut up."
"I'm good thanks." He laughs and I start to get dressed.

-:- Ten Minutes Later -:-

"It's been twenty minutes, get out." Ryan yells
"No! I haven't done my make-up yet!"
"Too bad, you said twenty not thirty, now out!"
"Fluff you!"
"Wow, much offence, such sadness. Out."
"Fine!" I sigh opening the door, making it hit his face. Hah! Karma!
"Shut up,"
"I'm good thanks."
"Right back at you."

-:- After Breakfast -:-

"Bye!" I call out to Ryan and Jack and I just hear them mumble I sigh and walk to the bus stop.

I see a girl with hair a lighter colour so basically ginger. She waves over to me. At least I think. I turn around to see if anyone's behind me and when I turn back she giggles. She starts walking over to me but a girl with curly-ish hair trips her up as the ginger girl gets back up I see they're both laughing. I let out a sigh of relief.

They carry on walking towards me. And soon enough we're 5 centimetres away from each other.

"Hi," The ginger one smiles
"Hello." The other says, not looking thrilled at my clothing choice.
"Hello," I reply "I'm Sapphire," I say holding my arm out for them to shake.
"I'm Magdalen, this is Frauke." The brown haired girl smiles
"Nice names," I say
"You go to our school then?" Frauke asks
"I think?"
"We go to Gem High. It's kinda near Gem University," Magdalen smiles
"Oh, yeah. I go there," I smile rubbing my neck

We all seem to get along for now, it wouldn't surprise me if they just left me half way through the day.

"We have to introduce you to Rhiannon!" Frauke smiles and Magdalen nods
"You two will be perfect friends."
"We will?" I ask, I'm not used to meeting new people. I guess it's a common thing you have to do nowadays.

"Yes!" The squeal in unison
"Ow," I mumble rubbing the ear they screamed into

-:- At School -:-

"Rhiannon!" Maggie yells out
"Come here!" Frauke giggles
"Hey guys, who's the new-bee?" The girl who I assume is Rhiannon asks, damn... she's cute.
"N-nothing!" I blush, looking down at my navy converse.
"Her name is Sapphire, she transferred here." Maggie smiled
"Nice to meet you," Rhiannon smiles and I smile back
"You too." As soon as I said that the bell rings
"What lesson do you have?" Maggie asks
"I have music," I say
"Me too," Frauke says "I'll show you the way."
"Thanks, Frauke."
"No problem,"

-:- After School -:-

I slip on my more comfortable trainers and start to walk over to Rhiannon and Frauke, I then see Maggie and a guy that looks like Ja-- JACK?! I run over towards my brother

"What on earth are you doing here Jack?" I ask
"I come to school here stupid."
"My name is Sapphire, not stupid. But what would you know? Oh yeah. Nothing."
"Don't act cocky around me, Sapph. Remember you still technically my sister, I can punch you." He grits his teeth, I look over at Maggie who looks amused

"Hey, Maggie." I giggle embarrassedly
"Hey, tiger. Wanna rip off my head too?"

-:- At Home -:-

I jump onto my bed and sigh. I really should've done my make-up today. I look disgusting! I mean, come on. Just look at me, I'm ugly.

I hear a knock on my door. What now.
"Your turn to do the dishes."
"Really, can't Jack do them?"
"He done them yesterday and I done them the day before. Now scoot."
"Fine," I sigh "Oh! I also have a little tale about jack to tell you."
"Really? I'm intrigued, tell me and I'll do the dishes."
"Well, as I came out of school I saw Jack with my friend Magdalen, he seemed to have been annoying her but when I looked at him he was blushing a lot." I giggle
"Okay, thanks! Now I have something to read Jack with. Wait... did you say Magdalen? As in the one we play Minecraft with?"
"I don't know, I didn't ask for her last name."
"Was there anyone else?"
"Yeah, Frauke and Rhiannon."
"Oh my god, I'm coming to school tomorrow."
"Really? That will be the first time in a year."
"Yeah. I can't believe you didn't notice."
"Me too." Ryan says heading toward the sink to start the dishes "Hey sis?"
"Do the dishes. Thanks!"


Oh my god that's 1200 words >~<

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