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"You alright?" Maggie asks
"Fine, I just miss someone." I sigh
"Oh, you mean her?" She asks pointing to Rhiannon
"No, but I gotta go. Bye Mags."
"Oh, bye..." Rhiannon frowns and Maggie waves

-:- Lesson ( Art ) -:-

"You okay? You've been avoiding me lately," Rhiannon asks
"I'm fine." I mutter
"Don't sound like it."
"RHIANNON I'M FINE!" I yell and the teacher gasps
"Sapphire, out. Now." I gladly get up and walk out of the class, taking my bag with me. As soon as I'm out I run, tears in my eyes. There's no way I'm going back. Never!

"I'm going home." I tell the office and they nod, opening the office doors. They know all about my anger problems, especially Ms Ryan. ( Ik weird that a teacher irl has the same ( kinda ) name as my half-brother... )

"See you tomorrow?" Ms Ryan asks
"Don't know..."
"Okay then, stay safe."
"Will do."

-:- Home -:-

I throw my bag through my bedroom door and then slam it shut, jumping into my bed and grabbing the knife from underneath my pillow. Do I do it? I throw it on the floor, making sure there's nothing there first of course but when it landed I heard glass crack, I lean against the back of my bed and see the photo of my and Rhiannon. I fall back into my bed. SHIT!
"Sapphire open this door now!" Ryan yells, I pick up the knife and put it back under my pillow, unlocking the door.

"What!" I yell
"Don't yell at me! What sma--" he cuts off when he sees the picture frame on the floor. "Why?" He asks softly
"I didn't see it and I trod on it." I lie, I don't want him to know about my secret knife. He looks over at my pillow.
"What's that?" He asks walking over to the pillow and flinging it over the room, he falls to his knees aghast.
"Show me your wrists." He says
"Do it!" He yells and I show him, he shakes him head at the scars.
"Why? J-just why?"
"School, Minecraft, Creative Fun. No matter what, I'm bullied."
"But, why?"
"Because of my personality? My looks? My life? My backstory? I don't know!"
"We're going to the school."
"No, never!" I say grabbing my shoes and walking out the door into the wilderness of the streets. The wind gluing my hair to my face. My skirt blowing lightly in the wind. Nothing will stop me this time. Not even Ben or Alex.

-:- Ryan's PoV -:-

Shit she ran out the door! I quickly grab my phone and head out. I listen out to see if Jacks home. Knowing my luck he's not.

-:- Hour later -:-

I tried to ring Sapph earlier but it went to voicemail. I'm starting  to get worried I don't know what to do I tried ringing Jack but he hasn't seen her. I'm so scared. What if she got run over what if she's being ra--- don't think like that Ryan. She's fine.

I hear a scream, it's Sapph. I run over to where it's coming from. It's Clayton. Oh thank god he found her!

"Sapph!" I yell happily and she struggles in Claytons grip
"Let me go! Let me go! I have to run! Clayton let go!" She yells but Clayton doesn't move until she does something, she kicked him in the nuts... Of course.

"SAPPH!" We yell in unison
"That's it." I sigh and enter some... turbo speed thing.
( I know, I know, I said I wouldn't add powers but hey! It could be fun! CREDIT TO IA! )

"Wha-?" Sapph mutters and I grab her and run home. Half way there she's gone. I hear her giggles. My glasses some how start to fl-- she's invisible. Great.

"Sapph... Come on!" I sigh grabbing the flying glasses. And she yelps.

"Lets go." I say and I'm able to see her again. Thank god that's over. I see Frauke. She's probably looking for me or Sapph.

"Hey Frauke." Me and Sapph say I unison
"Oh, hey Ryan, hey Sapph."
"What brings ya round here? Tryna sneak into Ryan's bed? It is about time he lost his virginity." Sapph smirks and I shock her somehow. "Ow you doof!" She screeches
"He didn't do anything..."
"Powers." I sigh
"That's what I came to talk to you about, I have them too."
"Really?" Sapph asks
"Really." She nods "Argue." We do as said because honestly I want to yell the ginger out of Sapph. I heard that stupid. What...? HAH! I can mind read! Take that mama fackerrrr shit... ay. No swearing. AND IM NOT GINGER IM AUBURN! Look ginger to me. You look like shit but I don't say I want to yell the shit out of you do I? Plus it would be impossible!
"Argue then..." Frauke sighs
"We are." Sapph smiles "I can mind read."
"Oh. So you can speak in his mind too?"
"Wow... That's... AMAZING!" Frauke grins
"Now carry on."
You had to tell her, didn't you? Yes. As a matter of fact I did. Now, what the heck do you want to argue about? You being "Auburn". I am auburn shit-head. Excuse me? You heard. I know you did. Get it? Lol! No. I don't but your are NOT auburn, your ginger. No I'm not asshole. Plus Frauke is ginger. Not me. Whatever. Just cos I'm right. No because your a bitch who can't accept defeat. Cough cough you can't talk cough cough. Omg I'm so so-- what the fuck happened? Frauke's power. Oh.
"That's pretty cool," Sapph smiles
"Thanks." Frauke says
"Meh, no prob."
"Home time?" I ask
"Yes. Let's go." Sapph smiles intertwining her arm in mine and Fraukes.

Holy shit 957 words... WELP hope you enjoyed RYANS pov. ❤️ bye my lil' armins

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