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When we got home Jack was still complaining about me hitting him in the balls. Oh wait, he hasn't got any. ( Sorry bro ). I smirk to myself as I think about kicking him again. Nah, too innocent. Not. I walk over and do it again. His eyes widen and he falls to the floor. I forgot I put on my steel-cap boots on... ech that's gotta hurt. Ryan tries to hold in his laugh but fails seeing as it comes out like a fart.

"Owwww!!!" Jack yelps holding his balls in pain making Ryan and I laugh more. Ryan high-fives me when he walks over to the fridge.

"That, was amazing." He grins as Jack still rolls on the floor. I extend my hand out to help Jack up, he pulls me onto the floor making me bang my head hard.

"Owww!" I grumble "Still worth it."
"Totally worth it," Ryan smirks and Jack runs up the stairs mumbling to himself or is he crying? Meh I don't care.

"Hey, Sapph?" Ryan asks
"Think you could do that to him again sometime?"
"Awesome, if you hit him with you fist I'll pay you."
"How much?"
"Ten pound."
"It's a deal."
"Yes!" He cheers and I grin
"Dishes. Now."
"Fine." He grumbles

-:- Next Day -:-

"Hey," I smile to Rhiannon
"Where is everyone?"
"Not here yet."
"You okay? You seem a little, I don't know. Weirded out?"
"I don't know." I sigh
"Is it Maggie? What did she do?"
"She's not here so how can it be Maggie?"
"Good point."
"It's my brother Jack, a weird noise came from his room last night and when I went to check on him he was well... yeah."
"He was what? Ohhh, that must've been gross."
"Eh, all guys do it - well most of them."
"True point." She smiles waving to Ia and Maggie
"What time do you call this?" Rhiannon asks
"Uhh, 9:45?" Ia asks
"No? Never mind."
"Okay, I won't." Ia grins
"My brain hurts," Maggie complains
"Mine too, I was pulled into hard flooring yesterday."
"Was it Jack?" Rhiannon asks
"I wonder why?"
"I kicked him in the balls." I grin "With steel-toe caps."
"Ow!" Frauke pipes up
"Yeah, it was fun to see his reaction."
"Well that's nice," Jack sighs
"I know right?" Ryan grins as I turn to Maggie she looks at Jack drooling and then I look at Frauke who's blushing like crazy, oh... we're in a corner, that makes sense.
"OH COME ON! A CORNER? REALLY?!" Frauke yells and we all grin apart from Maggie who's still drooling whilst looking at Jack.
"Maggie? Maggie! Earth to drooling at my brother Maggie!"
"H-huh? What?" She blushed instantly wiping her mouth
"Awwh, she likes him." Rhiannon smiles
"That's mean," Ryan frowns wiping a fake tear from his eye
"Poor poof!" Frauke frowns hugging Ryan and everyone but Jack "awwh"s
"Not gonna awwh with us bruh?" I ask Jack
"No problem."

-:- Afterschool -:- I watch Jack do the dishes and grin, remembering my deal with Ryan. I creep over and as he turns around I punch him.

"WHHHYYYY?!" He yells
"Because it's funny, stupid."
"No it isn't!" He hisses
"Meh, it's worth it." I mutter as he pulls my hair and Ryan comes over and slaps him
"Don't abuse Sapph," he says handing me the ten pound note, I take it and stuff it into my jean pocket. I grab a bowl of popcorn as my brothers fight. Ryan who is clearly amused by my actions takes a handful of popcorn and puts it in his mouth. He's thinking of something. He grabs my water bottle and whacks him with it. I grin helplessly.
"Amazing," I say watching Jack try and punch Ryan but failing terribly. All Ryan has to do is catch Jacks' fists. It's quite the entertainment if you ask me. 

Lol, 664 words.

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