Chapter Two: Back Stories

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Pronunciation--> Aiden:Aye-den    S'ythgarr:Syth-gar   Majali: Maj-ali     Saku'shali:Saku-sh-ali    Rah’magen: Ra-may-gen    Nay’thgar:Nath-gar

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Chapter Two: Burning Water  

“What happened?” Isabelle mumbles as Josh holds a bag of ice and snow to her head. She opens her eyes slowly and looks around. The bedroom is dark, the window was slightly open, letting in a gentle breeze. Neither Aiden or Samantha were in the bedroom.

“I hit Aiden with ice when we were practicing. I completely forgot about the whole demon connections,” Josh says, lying down beside Isabelle.

“Demons and their humans feel the same pain, idiot,” Isabelle mumbles, letting out a long groan. She attempts to sit up, but Josh puts his hand on her arm, lying her back down. 

“How do you feel?” Josh asks, taking the ice away from her head.

“Cold, sore, tired,” she sighs, pushing wet hair out of her face. “What happened after you hit him?”

“You screamed, you feel to the ground and passed out. We brought you inside and iced your head, you were out for a couple hours,” Josh sighs, putting the bag of ice on the side table and rubbing his hands together. Isabelle grabs his hands and outs them on her cheeks, warming them up. “God, you’re a heater,” Josh mumbles, “Im really sorry, I feel so bad..”

“Its okay,” she smiles, rubbing her forehead that was wet from the ice. Josh moves his hands under the blanket to Isabelle’s stomach and hips. “What time is it?”

“Six thirty, Jasmine isn't home yet,” Josh says, remembering that Isabelle’s mother, Jasmine Rose, wouldn't be home from her job as a nurse till late. “Aiden is making dinner.”

“Aiden is doing what?!” she screams, sitting up quickly. Pain rushes to the back of her head and she suddenly feels extremely dizzy. “That damn dragon can burn water!” she says, sitting still for a second before attempting to get up off the bed. Josh grabs her waist and pulls her back towards him. 

“Iz, I’m kidding,” he chuckles as he buries his face in Isabelle’s brown hair. “You really think Sam would let Aiden cook?” he asks, still holding Isabelle’s hips. Isabelle elbows him in the chest and slaps his hands away, she moves and sits cross legged beside him.

“You are such a butt,” she giggles, “You’re also annoying!” she growls as Josh attempts to tickle her feet. She rolls on her back, laughing and kicking Josh’s hands away. The two got along like siblings.

Josh’s full name is Joshua Darious. He and Isabelle are the same age, fifteen. Isabelle’s family adopted Josh in October, six years ago. They had been best friends forever, and always were close. Josh’s father was a no mind who left Josh’s family before he was born for a woman in Saku’shali. Only months after, Josh was born, his mother not surviving the birth. He was raised by his brother, James, who was fifteen years older. Six years ago, in September, Josh and James were in a car crash.

They had been t-boned by a truck. James and his demon, Dizzy, didn’t survive. Josh didn't take it well, left alone, the only family he had was Isabelle, Aiden and Samantha. Isabelle and Josh were inseparable. In school, they had all the same classes, for the school was so small. Both Josh and Isabelle had a hard life growing up. Although Josh had many many friends, Isabelle did not.

Isabelle’s father died when she was four, killed while on a fishing trip. He had been a fisher man, providing the sea produce for Majali and other near by small villages. She would go on fishing trips with him, seeing the great S’ythgarr ocean and icebergs. The best memory of her father was watching orca whales migrate when she was three. Isabelle’s mother, Jasmine, was never home. She is a nurse at Majali Hospital and worked almost 17 hours a day, sometimes more. Isabelle was, and still is, a very shy and quiet girl. She didn't make friends easily and was labeled as the bitch in her school. Many of the other students believed she was a bitch because of the fact that she as so quiet and shut everyone out. She was also called puppy, because she would never leave Josh’s side. So the other students began to say she was Josh’s little puppy dog. 

“Dinner time,” the two hear Sam yell from the kitchen.

“Hell yeah,” Isabelle says, jumping off the bed and taking a few steps before turning to look at Josh. “Coming?” she asks, seeing he hadn't moved at all.

“Yeah,” he says, shaking his head slightly. He gets up and walks over to Isabelle, grabbing her hips and pulling her close. “They can wait a second,” he whispers, putting his hand on her cheek. He tilts her chin up slightly and presses his lips against hers. His lips feeling soft and warm against hers.  She wraps her arms around him and pulls him closer, kissing him back. She moves her hand to the back of his neck and runs her fingers through the short hair on the back of his neck.

“Stop kissing!” Aiden roars, banging the wood door with his fist. “I can hear her thoughts, remember playboy?” Aiden growls.

“Aiden!” Isabelle yells, pulling away and rolling her eyes, feeling embarrassed. 

“Shut up, Isabelle,” Aiden growls as the two walk out the door and into the kitchen. “If you’re gonna kiss that little prick, don't think about anything and I wont know,” he hisses, glaring at Josh.

“What did I do?” Josh chuckles, grabbing Isabelle’s back pocket and pulling her towards him. She swings her hand back and smacks the side of his face.

“My butt,” she hisses, gripping his hand and throwing it back at him.

“That’s my girl,” Aiden says, smiling.

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Hope you are enjoying :) would love feedback.. Will be posting a new chapter every Friday and Monday.

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