Chapter Four: Tough Love

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Chapter Four: Tough Love

Josh looks up at the ceiling of Isabelle and his room. Isabelle sleeps quietly, cuddled in the blanket. She looked so young, so innocent. He lies close to her, watching her chest rise and fall slowly. Her breathing was soft and slightly stuffy, but everyone in S’ythgarr was almost always sick because of the constant cold. He can’t sleep, the past few nights had been the same. Isabelle had always been the one to help him fall asleep, with her soft voice or quiet singing. But lately it hadn't helped him. His body was tired, constantly sore. But his mind was wide awake. Even Sam, who normally had no trouble sleeping anywhere, was also unable to sleep. “You awake Josh?” he hears Sam whisper from the side of his bed. 

“Yeah, wide awake,” he mumbles, rubbing his tired eyes and rolling over to see Sam lying on the floor. Her narrow, triangular dog face looked worried as her auburn eyes looked up at him. “What’s wrong?”

“You..” Sam trails off, her eyes looked pained. She climbs onto the bed and lies at his and Isabelle’s feet. “What’s been with you lately? You and Iz are together so much more. You haven’t been sleeping, and you even let Aiden win against you. Twice,”  she explains quietly, her auburn eyes looked at him sadly. 

“I’m fine,” Josh smiles, wanting to change the subject, “What’s with you? You have been all over Aiden lately.”

“What? He’s freaking hot,” Sam growls, “He likes me and I like him, simple as that. Do you have a problem with me hanging out with him?”

“Not at all, but you know how I feel about Izzy,” Josh sighs, “She is amazing...” he mumbles, sitting up and burying his head in his hands. 

“Oh Josh,” Sam sighs, laying her head on his feet. 

“She is so much prettier than the normal girl,” Josh whispers,” but she doesn't believe it. I love how she ties her hair in a bun or braid all the time. When it’s loose its so straight and soft. Her face is cute and beautiful. The way she stares at me sometimes.. its like she sees right through me,” Josh sighs, trailing off. He looks at Isabelle, sleeping beside him. Her hair was in her face and her thin eyebrows looked relaxed. Her cute, small nose buried in the blanket. “Her smile is so pretty, and her laugh is adorable..”

“Josh..” Sam starts, trailing off as she listens to him, closing her eyes.

“She thinks that she is too skinny, but she has beautiful curves and her chest and hips aren't too big. Her skin is somehow sun kissed, like someone from Saku’shali. Her skin is so soft to touch, and she is most ticklish around her stomach and feet.” He says as he watches Sam fall asleep. “Good night, girl,” he says, bending over and kissing Sam’s muzzle. He watches her ears droop down and her muscles relax. 

He slips out from under the blanket and dangles his legs over the edge of the bed. He sighs and gets up, realizing he was still wearing jeans and his sweater. He throws off his sweater and jeans and pulls on a pair of red and blue checkered pajama pants. He walks towards the door of the bed room, not bothering to put a shirt on. He opens the door slowly, peeking out to see if Jasmine was still awake. Her bedroom door was across from his, closed. He heard a slight snore coming from the closed door, Jasmine’s snoring. He slides his feet along the cold hardwood floor, trying to not make it creek. After closing the door, we walks slowly towards the living room, seeing Aiden sprawled out on the couch and floor. “What’re you doing awake? Josh hears a gruff voice say, Aiden’s voice.

“I can’t sleep,” he sighs, tip toeing over to Aiden and sitting on the coffee table.

“You and Sam both,” he sighs, sitting up on the couch and crossing his big arms. “What’s been bothering you?”

“Nothing,” Josh says quickly, not even thinking before he spoke. 

“You are a bad liar,” Aiden grumbles. 

“Iz always tells me that,” he sighs, rubbing his unshaven face. He buries his face in his hands and feels tears welling in his eyes.

“Well it’s true, the both of us can see right through your lying brown eyes,” Aiden huffs. He lits his tale and pushes Josh’s hands from his face, lifting his chin so that Aiden could see his face. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you have nothing wrong. If you lie, I’ll smack you across the room.”

Josh glares at Aiden slightly and pushes his tail away. He feels the need to lie to Aiden, but no matter what he says, no matter what excuse, Aiden will still smack him across the room. “Fine, there’s something wrong.”

“What?” Aiden says, rubbing some drool from his lips. 

“Not telling you,” Josh snaps, quickly covering his face from what Aiden might do next.

“Don’t make me hit you, shit head,” Aiden growls, “Tell me what’s on your mind. I wont judge or anything, trust me.”

“Now who’s the liar?” Josh huffs, glaring at Aiden. 

“Shut up and start talking,” Aiden growls, lifting his tale to hit possibly hit Josh. 

“God, you really live by the tough love policy, don’t you?” Josh remarks, rubbing his face and sighing. Aiden smiles slightly and lays his tail on the floor once again. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Will be posting a new chapter every Monday and Friday, please vote if you liked :)

Pronunciation--> Aiden:Aye-den    S'ythgarr:S-ith-gar   Majali: Maj-ali     Saku'shali:Saku-sh-ali    Rah’magen: Ra-may-gen    Nay’thgar:Nath-gar

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