Chapter Three: EXPLINATION

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Selena's P.O.V.

Once I saw my mom and Brian I felt like I was punched in the stomach. They had this emotionless look on their face. I couldn't tell what they were thinking. And that's worse then knowing what there thinking.

"Hi guys" I said trying to act all innocent. But it failed. "Selena Marie Gomez, you have a lot of explaining to do!!!" My mom said in a stern voice. "I know." I said looking at my feet trying not to make eye contact with her. "We need to talk. In private. " she said, she was walking out the door when scooter stopped us. Thank god.

"No it shouldn't be between just you two. This affects Justin too" He said in a stern voice. I guess I spoke too soon. "Fine. Lets talk about how my daughter is now engaged to Justin. Trying to fix one of his mistakes knowing she could go to jail" My mom said. "This not only affects Selena. Think about Justin and how it affects him. He ---" Scooter says but my mom cut him off. "He what? Won't get deported? What could he be feeling? Oh I know! Relief. He doesn't have to pay for his mistakes because my daughter made a mistake to fix his mistakes." My mom said. "Mom!" I said lifting my head up from looking at my heels then she shot me a "Stop Talking" look, so I put my head back down. "Now this isn't Justin's fault. It's Selena's fault he is like this. Her breaking his heart. Then their whole on-and-off thing made him worse. She is the one at fault here. She is the bad influence on him." Scooter said "That's not true!!" Justin yelled. Then Scooter shot him the same look my mom shot me. " Selena's fault. Ha hilarious. Last time I checked Selena isn't the one who cheated. TWICE!! She isn't the bad influence. When they were together did you see Justin drinking? NO! Did you see him doing drugs? NO!! Did you see him peeing in mop buckets, or sleeping with prostitutes? NO!! Because Selena was there for him. She has done more for him than you. If anyone is a bad influence it Justin. SO STOP BLAMING MY DAUGHTER FOR YOUR MISTAKES!!!!" My mom yelled out making a fist. Brian must have seen it too because he came up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulder trying to calm her down. It worked. Scooter stayed quiet. It was literally silent for ten minutes till Pattie spoke up. "Look there is no doubt that Selena is a good influence. She isn't to blame here. But what just happened two hours ago. That's what we're here to discuss. Not all this unnecessary stuff. Now Selena do you mind explaining?" She said calmly. I was a little scared. All eyes were on me. Even Justin's.

"I-I--" I stuttered out.


Justin's P.O.V.

"I-I--" Selena stuttered. Everyone was looking at her as she tries to get out her explanation. Hell even I wanted to know.

"I still love him" she said. At that moment I felt tears forming in my eyes. Did she really just say she still loves me??

" Just because you still love him doesn't mean you have to lie and say that he proposed to you and you said yes." Mandy said. " But I did" I said. "Excuse me?" Mandy and my mom both said. " I proposed to her like last week. Except she said no." I said staring at then trying to hold back a tear. Then I look at Selena she didn't try to hold bak anything. She was crying. And Alfredo was there comforting her. "Why would you propose to her Justin?" My mom asked. "Because I love her with all my heart. And I know out of all the mistakes I made loving her wasn't a mistake." I said making complete eye contact with Selena. I saw that spark in her eye. The one she got after I told he I love her. God I missed that spark. "Okay but you said no. Why would you say you said yes??" Brian asked trying not to sound rude. I know Brian wasn't really on board with what just happened but he wasn't blaming anybody. He was just looking at us with sincerity, and worry. "I figured he shouldn't be deported because people were overreacting and being unfair." Selena said. "But still you should have let his team handle things." Mandy said. "His team! His team. It's his team that didn't help him before why would they help him now. Even if they did try to help they would probably do it for the money. They probably don't want to loose their biggest client" Selena said. And I have to admit I kinda agree with her. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Scooter yelled at her. I can tell she was a little shocked because she stepped back a little. "DON'T YELL AT HER!!" I yelled louder then him. They all looked at me with a shocked expression. I was actually surprised my dad didn't say anything. I think he is disappointed in me.

"I'm not disappointed in you Justin." My dad said. Shit I spoke my thoughts. "I'm concerned. I am not blaming Selena or you. I'm not making this matter any worse than it is. These two seem to do it enough for all of us here." My dad continued. Then I heard Selena giggle a little.


Selena's P.O.V.

I didn't mean to giggle. It just slipped out. I lifted my head and saw everyone looking at me. I turned to Justin and I saw that he had a little smirk on. God I missed his smirk. And his dimples. "NOT funny guys!!!" Scooter said. "Listen it's not Selena's fault. She did it to fix one of my mistakes. I know that. But the truth is I love her with all my heart. And we're getting married. Now I don't know if Selena is just doing it to help me or because she wants to marry me but I want to marry her. And that's that." Justin said. I looked up at him and smiled a little. I do really want to marry him. But there are still some issues that I need to work on. But for now it's to help him. I don't think I can tell him how I really feel. Not now anyways. "Alright then. We need to make arraignments then." My mom said. "If you don't mind Mandy I would like to help you with the arraignments. Selena has always been like a daughter to me." Pattie said. "Of course Pattie" my mom said. "We are still not done discussing this Justin. Tomorrow morning the studio so we can discuss it some more. Only you. " Scooter said. " actually Scooter I think we are done talking about this for now. We ALL can meet again when try do interviews that are gonna ask then about it. Okay" Usher said. Then he walked out. "Agreed" my mom said. Then she and Brian left hand in hand. Then Pattie left, followed by Scooter and Jeremy. Chaz and Ryan came up to Justin and patted him on the back. "It's gonna be alright Justin" Chaz said. Then he came up to me and hugged me. "Missed you Sel see you soon. Bye!" Chaz said "Missed you too!" I said hugging him back. Ryan patted Justin on the back ten whispered something in his ear I couldn't hear what he said so I just ignored it. Then he came up to me and

hugged me. "Bye Sel. Everything's gonna be okay!" Ryan said. "Bye" I said as he let go. Him and Chaz left. Leaving Me, Justin and Alfredo.


Justin's P.O.V.

"Don't screw it up Justin you have another chance to fix things. Don't be an ass." Ryan whispered to me. Then he hugged Selena and left with Chaz. It didn't i occur to me that this is another chance. Maybe I should ask Selena about it.Wait no I won't ask, I will tell her how I feel. I will just wait till Fredo leaves.

'Want me to take you home so you can get some of your stuff, because your gonna have to stay here." Fredo asked.

"Sure" Selena said.

"I'll take you." I said to Selena "No Justin. You should stay here. You know the paparazzi are gonna be all over you." Selena said. I was kinda sad that she didnt want me to take her. "Plus i need to get my car from the airport. I will be fine." She said. Then she kissed my cheek. Did she mean to do that or was it in the spur of the moment. "Okay." I said still sad but a little bit happy because i felt her lips on my cheeks. "See you later" She said then left out the door with Alfredo.


Selena's P.O.V.

I don't know why i kissed his cheek. Maybe because I REALLY wanted to. I saw he was sad that I wanted Alfredo to take me. I waved him goodbye then left out the door with Alfredo. I was right there was paparazzi swarming the gates of the neighborhood. I could see them a mile away with their flashing lights. I open the door to Fredo's car and get in. I buckle my seat belt. and sit there while Fredo gets in. He buckles his seat belt but he doesn't start the car. He just looks at me. "What?" I ask. "Okay. Time to be honest." He said with a little smirk on his face. "Okay, Fine. But on our way. We'll talk on our way there and back. Okay?" I said. "Fine. Lets go Mrs. Bieber!!" Fredo said. I started to blush and giggle.

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