Chapter Fourteen: RAIN CHECK

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Selena's P.O.V.

I woke up to an empty bed. Well not so empty it had me but not Justin. Ten I remembered we had a gift. I want to make it up. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I see Justin not in his pajamas but in regular clothes siting in the counter with a bowl of cereal and his phone in his hand. Texting away. Probably Alfredo from last night. "Justin." I say. He turns his head and looks at me then goes back to his cereal. He just ignored me. "I'm sorry." I say. That caught his attention cause he looked at me and didn't look away. I guess he wanted me to continue. So I did. "I'm sorry for yelling at you and not telling you the reason." I say. "What were you so mad about that you had to bitch out and take it out on me" he says with no emotion. "You were ignoring me." I say. "What are you talking about?" He said. Is he serious. Keep calm. "When we were at the zoo you were paying more attention to your phone then to me. Texting whoever you were texting. I don't even are who you were texting. But you should have payed some attention to me instead of having your full attention to your phone." I say trying not to yell. And deep down I did want to know who he was texting. "Listen Sel. I was talking to Alfredo. He was telling me about his problems because his girlfriend broke up with him. I'm sorry if I didn't pay attention to you. I'm sorry if I made you feel unwanted." He said. I was looking in his eyes. I could see a part of him was telling the truth but apart of him was hiding something. "It's okay."I say. Not knowing what else to say. He came up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but it felt like a one sided hug.

I poured myself some cereal and sat across form Justin. "So what are you doing today?" He asked. Did he forget about recording? "Um. Well. Remember we are recording 'Alone In December' today. Did you forget?" I asked. "Oh. Damn. Yeah I did. I'm sorry. Can we record it another day I actually promised Fredo and Ryan and Chaz that I can hang out with them. Can we rain check?" He said. I was disappointed. "It's okay. We will just reschedule." I saw putting on a fake smile. "Great thanks babe. I got to go. See you later" he said as he got up and put his bowl I'm the sink. He came up to me and kissed my cheek. Then went out the door. I am sad how he didn't see past my fake smile like he use to. And he didn't say "I love you" he always says that. Maybe it's nothing.

I continue eating my cereal and when I'm done I put the bowl in the sink then i hear my phone ringing. I literally run upstairs to the room and grab it. It said 'FREDO😄'. I guess he is calling about Justin.

Phone Convo.:

(BOLD- Selena Italic- Alfredo)


Hey Sel.

Hey Fre. What's up?

Notin much. Wanna chill?

Oh. I thought you were hanging out with Justin and Chaz and Ryan.

Oh. No. Justin said he was gonna just chill with Ry and Chaz. So wanna hang.

Sure. Ur place.

Yeah. In 10 minutes

Okay. C u there.

Kay. Bye.

End Of Phone Convo

I guess I am hanging out with Fredo today. I wonder why Justin didn't want to hang out with him. Who knows. I mean he hasn't seen Ryan or Chaz in like a month so maybe he just wants to spend time with them alone.

I start to change into a normal white crop top and grey sweats. And I put my hair in a messy bun. Then I make my way to my car and off to Fredo's house.

It took about 15 minutes because there was traffic. I go to Fredo's driveway and got out I notice that no paparazzi followed me. Thank god. I got to the door and knocked on it. Fredo opened it and let me in. "Your late" he said. "Stupid traffic. So what are we gonna do today?" I ask. "Lets watch a Madea movie." He says. "Okay. I haven't watched one of those in ages. They are too funny" I said as he puts the movie in. I'm not sure which one it is but it will be funny either way.

Halfway through the movie my phone goes off. It say that Chaz wants to FaceTime me. So I answered him.

FaceTime Convo

(Ryan- R Chaz- C Selena- S Alfredo- A)

R: Hey Selly

S: Hey Ry. What's up?

R: Notin Much. Just here with Chaz.

C: Hey Gomez!!

S: Hey Chaz

C: What you doing?

S: Hanging with Fredo.

A: Hey guys

C&R: Hey dude

S: Um. Guys where is Justin?

R: How should we know.

S: Cuz he said he was hanging with you guys.

C: Um Sel. We're in Canada.

S&A: WHAT!!!

R: Yeah. But we talked to Justin he said he was hanging out with Khalil.

S: Oh okay.

R: Hey Sel. We got to go. Talk to you later Kay.

S: Kay bye

R&C: BYE!!

S&A: BYE!!!!

End or FaceTime Convo

Why would justin lie to me? I mean I don't mind Khalil. He actually stopped justin from killing himself. He is actually the only one I like from Justin's 'new friends'. New friends more like NEW USERS. Then the doorbell rings. " I'll get that." Fredo says. I just nod. I am deep in my thoughts.

Alfredo's P.O.V. (For the first time)

I don't know why Justin would lie. I just pray that he isn't cheating on Selena. I saw what the first time did to her. She was broken. Devastated. I opened the door to see a brunet girl who looks like she is 18. She has hazel eyes and tan skin.

" Hello" I said. "Hi. I'm Ryder. Um is Selena Gomez here?" why does she want to know where Selena is. Is she one of we fans? "um. Yeah. Why?" I ask. "Can you give her this folder for me. Please." She said a she hands me a red folder. "Um. Why? what's in it?" I ask. "It has something to do with her relationship with Justin. Please just give it to her please" she said. "Well..." i start to say but got interrupted by Selena. "Fre. Who's at the door?"

Selena's P.O.V.

I wonder what's taking Fredo so long. I decide to check. "Fre. Who's at the door?" I ask. Then I see a brunet girl who looks young. Maybe 18. She has hazel eyes and tan skin. "Um. Hello" I said as I walk towards them. "Hello. Selena. I had some information that I think you should know about your relationship with your fiancé Justin. It's in the red folder. I'm so sorry." She says. Then she starts to run out the door. I'm confused. "Wait. What? I yell the the door. But it was too late. She had already gotten into her car and was driving away. I turned to Fredo. And he looked confused as me. I grab the red folder from his hand and open it. There were papers there and I started reading what was on it. I felt tears forming in my eyes. "What the....."



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