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(Y/n) Pov:
I quickly ran into the woods, the killer on my tail. His crazy maniacal laughs traveled through the woods. "Dammit. Dammit fucking dammit." I was the idiot who decided to come alone on this. I should have told someone! I should have told Levi! I darted in between trees trying to lose him but it didn't work. I was tackled to the ground, he wrapped his hands around my throat and tightened his grip. 'Damn... I can't believe this is how I'm going to die... I'm sorry... I love you Levi...' A gunshot rang through the trees and the killer dropped down dead. "(Y/n)!!" I heard a familiar voice call as I gasped for air.  "(Y/n)!"Eren kneeled in front of me. "You're okay.. good." I nodded and looks at Levi who remained stoic but I could see the relief in his eyes.
~Time skip brought to you by Levi shirtless~

We finally caught the serial killer well more like Levi did. I looked over at him to see him smirking at me I quickly looked away, blushing. . Our relationship was a secret but that never stopped him from teasing me. "Guys! Let's go to the bar!" Jean called, dragging Marco out. Everyone quickly followed. At the bar everyone talked and laughed well everyone except Levi. He walked over to me and whispered in my ear. "Let's get out of here." He grabbed hand and lead me out.

We got home and he closed the door then quickly hugged me. "You fucking idiot! You could have died!" I hugged his neck. (I'm just going to say your shorter then him if your not I'm sorry. I am so it's kinda funny ;-; I'm so short)  "I'm sorry.. I thought I could take him... but he knocked my gun out of my hand.." He looked at me. "Never. Ever. Do anything like that again." I nodded and kisses him gently. "Je t'aime." He whispered in between kisses. He poured everything into that one night.

~time skip~
I looked at Hanji, shocked. "I'm what?" She nodded and pushed her glasses up. "You're pregnant (Y/n)." I looked my hands. We never even discussed children. Hell no one knew we were dating. How would he react. "(Y/n)?" Hanji snapped me out of my thoughts.  I looked up. "Hm?" "Just tell shorty alright?" My eyes grew wide. "How-" "Because you're the only one he doesn't insult." I sighed and jumped off the bed. "Thanks..." I made my way out to find that short smart ass.

Heyyyy guys it's Asuna this is my new fanfic. Soo Idk how was this chapter? I thought it came out Okay . Oh well next chapter you tell Levi. How will be react?

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