The past.

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Levi and (Y/n)  sat on the bed,cuddling.  A slight baby bump now evident and to Levi it still didn't seem real that there was a child growing in there and at times he was scared to touch her belly . "You know. This got me thinking about when we first met..." He arched his brow. "It did. How?" "Well, it's a new chapter in our life.. like that day was." He chuckled. "You saved me from my self that day."

~20 years ago Levi age:14~
Levi didn't start out as wanting to be an FBI agent. He did well in school but he was known as a trouble maker. He was very good with a gun. He never actually killed anyone and he only used it to threaten people. He was known for the fact that  he never misses. When he used targets he always hit the bullseye but today was different.
His boss had just  kidnapped the daughter of a well known FBI agent: (Y/n) (L/n) her hair was matted and she had several cuts and bruises on her face her right hand was broken from fighting back and she was shot in the leg. Levi glared at his boss. "Who the hell is this?"
His boss glared back. "The daughter of an Agent who will be here, with what I need soon." His eyes widen. "Is this a ransom drop?"
"Yes it is, son. Now, watch her and make sure she doesn't escape."
Levi nodded and sat in a chair. His boss walked out.
"Hey... boy.." The girl whispered. Levi looked at her she looked at him with beautiful bright (e/c) orbs. "Tsk. Name's Levi. Not boy." She looked at him. "Why are you here... it doesn't seem like you even want to be part of this?" Levi glared at her. "And how do you know what I want?"
"Well... you seem different from them.. you were shocked when you saw me.. so they didn't tell you.. you wouldn't have gone along with it huh?"Levi clicked his tongue and sat in a chair, his feet barely touching the ground. (Y/n) giggled quietly. "You're pretty short for a guy." He glared at her. "You're shorter then me."
    She smirked then squirmed a bit. "Please help me... I can help you... please..." Levi stood up and walked towards her. "Please they'll be here any minute you can help me out and they wont hurt you. Please.. I'll tell them you had no part of it..." Levi looked around. "What's in it for me?" (Y/n)teared up. "You get to know you did the right thing and you won't go to jail.. please.." Levi looked at the door then back at her, he walked behind her and  her. "Don't say a word, follow me no questions." (Y/n) nodded and followed him to a heavy metal door. He opened it and grabbed her wrist, pulling her inside. "I'm going to have to make a phone call." He whispered. "wait... can I?" Levi nodded and handed her his phone. (Y/n) dialed her fathers number and put the phone to her ear. After two rings, he answered with a rough voice. "Who is this?" (y/n) smiled. "Dad... I'm okay..I'm getting help from someone.." Her father sighed in relief. "what's their name."


"Levi Ackerman? (Y/n) be careful." (Y/n) hummed and nodded.

"He doesn't want to hurt me. please trust him dad." She heard him sigh. 

"His father wont be happy." She frowned. 'But we can help him right?" She heard her father sigh. Levi opened a door and walk pulled out,  then so was she. She was about to let out a scream but someone covered her mouth,  she looked up and saw her father's partner and she knew they were safe.

Later that day another FBI agent took Levi into their home and later adopted him.

She smiled at the memory and pecked his lips. "That was one of the craziest but best days of my life." He chuckled. "Me too)

Daddy! Levi x Mommy! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now