Telling Shorty

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No one's pov:
For (Y/n) the drive home was excruciating. She didn't know how to tell him. Or how he would react. Plus there's his cleaning.. Could he handle there being a mess all the time? Though she knew that answer. Her heart pounded in her chest as her she pulled up to the drive way. She took a deep breath and got out of the car that's when she heard the vacuum. 'Shit he's fucking cleaning... I might not be able to get his attention.' She slowly walked inside and walked to the living room where he was vaccuming. "Levi!" He didn't hear her. "Levi!!!" Still nothing he was ignoring her now. "You short bastard..." She unplugged the vacuum. "The hell (Y/n)?! I'm trying to get this place clean so you don't get sicker." She flinched at his tone and backed up. "I-I just wanted to tell you something... but nevermind..." She ran up to their room and layed on the bed.

Levi's Pov:
Dammit... did I just make her cry? I just wanted to make sure she didn't get any sicker. What if it was important.. I shouldn't have yelled. I sighed and made my way to our room where she was quietly crying. "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n) Pov:
"(Y/n)?" I looked at Levi wiping  my eyes. "What?" He sat on the bed next to me, petting my hair. "I'm sorry baby. I just wanted you to get better faster." He apologized. "What ever you need to tell me. What did Hanji say?" I sat up. "You won't be mad right?" He look at me worried. "Why would I be mad?" "Well... I'm... I'm pregnant.. and It's yours." His eyes widen. 'I shouldn't have told him.. he's going to leave me...' "So... we're going to have a little brat..?" I looked at him, shocked. "Y-yeah. You're not mad." He looked at my stomach and genlty put his hand on it, shaking his head. "Actually the opposite I'm very happy." He was smiling slightly and kisses my forehead. "We'll have to talk to Erwin. You'll have to do desk duty." Groaning and I flopped onto a bed and looked at him. "Whhhyyyyyyyyy." He chuckled and hovered over me. "Because I want you and the brat to be safe so no field work." I pouted and nodded. "Okay, okay. And one more thing. It's a baby. Not a brat." He groaned and laid nxt to me. "Okay, okay. The baby to be safe." My head rested again against his chest and he rubbed my stomach. "Good..." I yawned and nuzzled his neck. Slowly everything went black and I fell asleep.

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