baby Kookie 😍
read ✔ 09:26amBaby Bun 😍💕
read ✔ 09:26amTaehyung
wow that was fast
read ✔ 09:26amTaehyung
usually it takes about 5 mins
read ✔ 09:26amTaehyung
this is a start of a whole new level 😍
read ✔ 09:27amBaby Bun 😍💕
You were saying?
read ✔ 09:28amTaehyung
oh right
read ✔ 09:28amTaehyung
do you have um
read ✔ 09:31amTaehyung
do you want to
read ✔ 09:34amBaby Bun 😍💕
read ✔ 09:34amTaehyung
will you be my date for the
spring night festival?
read ✔ 09:36amTaehyung
I'll behave I promise 🙇
read ✔ 09:36amTaehyung
so how about it
read ✔ 09:38amBaby Bun 😍💕
Not going.
read ✔ 09:39amTaehyung
but whYyyYyYYy 😲
read ✔ 09:39amBaby Bun 😍💕
I have extreme disgust of places with enormous crowds.
read ✔ 09:40amBaby Bun 😍💕
I'd rather be home and watch anime.
read ✔ 09:41amBaby Bun 😍💕
You could join me, if you like.
read ✔ 09:43amTaehyung
o h g o d y e s I would love to 😍
read ✔ 09:43amBaby Bun 😍💕
Shit, that wasn't supposed to send.
read ✔ 09:45amTaehyung
sounds like a better idea to me 😍
read ✔ 09:45amTaehyung
btw the spring night festival
will be tonight
read ✔ 09:45amTaehyung
so our date will be tonight as well 😆
read ✔ 09:45amTaehyung
I'll grab snacks on the way 😊
read ✔ 09:46amBaby Bun 😍💕
I want sushi.
read ✔ 09:47amTaehyung
got it love 😚
read ✔ 09:48amTaehyung
would you like drinks with that?
read ✔ 09:48amBaby Bun 😍💕
read ✔ 09:51amTaehyung
is that an emoji
read ✔ 09:51amTaehyung
g o o d l o r d it is!
read ✔ 09:51amTaehyung
I'm so proud of you 😍😘
read ✔ 09:52amBaby Bun 😍💕
Gtg, break time is over.
read ✔ 09:56amTaehyung
ok bby
delivered ▪ 09:56amTaehyung
see you tonight 😊
delivered ▪ 09:56am