Typing... Twenty-Six

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Three months have passed since the day Jungkook and Taehyung last exchanged messages. Sure, Taehyung said they were okay now, friends even, but the younger just cannot bring himself to forgive himself.

Whenever Taehyung sees him inside the campus, he would wave at the sophomore, but Jungkook only looks away. He seems harder to get now that they aren't anything other than just friends.

No, I'm not his friend. I don't deserve someone like him.

"Have you heard? Taehyung and Irene are dating again."

Yes, Jungkook has heard. A couple of times now, actually. If it weren't for his classmates, and schoolmates and even friends, Jungkook would not have known that Taehyung and Irene were dating again.

It doesn't hurt Jungkook, no, not at all. He is just irritated with the people repeating the news over and over again. He couldn't even find a place wherein someone wasn't talking about the reborn couple.

Okay, maybe a slight stab in his heart is felt whenever he hears the news. He was at the library, hopefully, none of these students are interested in the trending topics. However, Jungkook was wrong. At the side of his table, there were two girls, talking about the topic he really wanted to avoid that day. But it seems that it wouldn't die down for the rest of the week.

"I thought Jungkook and Taehyung were dating?"

"No, I think they were just super close best friends."

That's right. Jungkook never wanted to see Taehyung as anything more than a friend. Throw in the stupid bet and whoopdedooldledoo, Jungkook just broke a man's heart. But he unintentionally fell for him and he cannot deny his feelings anymore so why should he bother to move on when he knows he can't do it?

"Super close best friends don't hold hands like this."

Jungkook remembers how Taehyung's hands were big compared to his. The way their fingers would intertwine perfectly, like the gap of Taehyung's fingers were meant to be filled with Jungkook's. His hand cold and the redhead's warm.

"Super close best friends don't look at each other like this."

The young boy remembers how Taehyung would stare lovingly into his eyes and, unintentionally, he would blush. He loved Taehyung's eye smile, soft wrinkles would be seen at the edge of his lashes, nose crinkling up and a boxy grin too mesmerizing for Jungkook. He especially loved the way how Taehyung would just stare at him: chocolate irises in display, full of admiration and somewhat love for the boy he calls his crush.

"Super close best friends don't hold each other like this."

Jungkook recalls every single hug they ever initiated. Awkward hugs are at most but thet were still filled with feelings. Taehyung holding him tight but gently, he could feel the older's heart beating calmly. He liked to hear Taehyung's heart beat. Just like a soft melody humming that also makes Jungkook heart sing. And the sometimes pecks Taehyung would randomly give, his slightly chapped lips meeting Jungkook's, with a flushed face, were so simple yet so powerful. Remembering about those alone makes Jungkook's face red.

But the fact that all Jungkook can do now is to remember those sweet, sweet memories of Taehyung wipes the smile off his face. A sting in his heart and the burning sensation rushing towards his eyes. It hurt.

Truth hurts and the truth finally hit him.

"I love you, Taehyung."


The cafeteria today was quieter than it usually is but not silent. Jungkook smiles at the thought that, at least, everyone was up to his expectations today.

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