After that day with the girls I haven't heard from both the girls I have came to adore. I haven't heard one word for them, Mani and Dinah attempted to text me in the begging but I guess we weren't close so it was kinda akward. Camila was really the only one whose kept in touch with me. Lately I've been worried about her alot! She's been feeling a bit weak and falls asleep withing seconds where onetime she fell asleep in the bath and woke up 30 minutes later having all the bubbles gone and the water cooled. How she didn't get sick? I really don't know. She hasn't told the girls anything yet and that worries me. She doesn't want to bother them. I was actually thinking of getting a flight to take care of Camz but that means having to see the girls. I care for them,but it seems as thought I've ment nothing to them. Remember how much I cried in the day I met them? Well that's gone for a long time. I've tougher and less emotional. Yeah I show some but I rather keep it to myself. The only one I've agreed to let in is two people actually Benzo and Camz! Probably wondering what happened to my blonde bestfriend, to be remarkably honest I don't know she hangs with shay quite a bit. Kate has been good, camz still kept in touch with the girl.
Right now I'm laying in my bed not wanting to get up. I layed staring at the roof collecting my thoughts untill a buzz disturbed me. I threw my hand to the night stand feeling for it. Until I found it, accidently knocking it to the floor. Shit! I tried to lay over the bed but I still couldn't reach it causing me to fall head first to the ground. A groan escaped my mouth as I rubbed and grabbed my phone. Seeing as I got a few notifications. One from camz. I ignored the others and read camz first.
💛Teddy bear y/n/n💛 Teddy! Y/N!
💛Teddy bear y/n/n💛 I feel horrible! Worst than I've Ever felt! What if I'm dying?!
Teddy bear camz🙊 KARLA CAMILA CABELLO! DON'T SAY THAT! Whats wrong babe?
💛 Teddy bear y/n/n💛 Y/💛I feel so sleepy! To the point Where Ican't get up from bed!
Teddy bear camz🙊 Hey chill put babe. I want you to Go to the hospital. I'm going to try to get There as soon as I can! I love you camz!
I got up and ran to my laptop booking the first flight that leaves in about 1 hour. I have to really hurry! Good thing I took a shower last night. I ran to my closet and threw off my night clothes and put on this suit.
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