Your p.o.v. Camila had hung up on me because the doctor wanted to talk to her so now I'm sitting in my seat scrolling down my social media. I began searching for Tori's Instagram and it wasn't hard to find. I followed her and kept going through my stuff untill someone sat on my left. Our eyes met each other,her eyes were a dashing blue color and her hair was very much blonde. "Hi,"she said smiling at me. I'm not gunna lie she was beautiful. I'm meeting all these beautiful people in one day,how lucky am I? Her smile made me smile. "Hi. I'm Y/n Y/ln,nice to meet you beautiful," I said offering her my hand . She took mine and shook it. "Thanks!I'm Sabrina Carpenter",she said smiling,her dimples showing. I took in account her outfit, she was wearing a long sleeve turtle neck thing and a navy blue skirt. She was wearing bright red lipstick. She looked absolutely amazing.
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"Hey babes,I think your phone is ringing,"she said waving in front of my face trying to catch my attention. My face blushed bright red as she said that. I looked at my phone oh,Camila. I answered right away. "Aww. Why are you all blushy? Cute girl next to you or something?" My face flushed hard. "Well hello there," Sabrina said directing my phone to herself. "Sabrina!"she explained. "Camila!"Sabrina explained back. Causing me to giggle at them. "I'm sorry Sab Bri Bri. I'm in the hospital right now. I can't make it to the show I'm sorry,"Camila said sorrow running down her face. I mother for Sabrina to take my phone. Sabrina nodded and grabbed my phone. "Mila! I should come to the hospital right now!"Sabrina said worriedly. "No Brin master! Stay there with my best friend Y/n/n. She's coming to the hospital after the show." Camz said assuringly. "Okay fine. I'll see you then."Sabrina said softly. She handed me back my phone. "She's quite the looker isn't she?" Camz teased. "Quite intellectual if I may add". My face flushed. "Stopp! You're making me blush!"I said. "Bri Bri,"Camz called. Sabrina layed her head on my shoulder in veiw of the facetime camera. "Y/n is quite the looker,isn't she?"Camz said, causing me to grown and Sabrina to blush slightly. "Yeah I know she is. That's why she's my best friend!"Camz said. "Hey!" I stated defensively. Both of the girls let out a soft giggle. Woah what a pretty giggle.we were having mindless conversations,I eventually laid my head on top of Sabrina's. Sabrina was now holding my phone. I closed my eyes just enjoying the company of this girl. "No love for me?"I heard a voice say I instantly jumped from my seat causing both Sabrina's and my head to hit. I groaned and muttered a sorry. "Toriiii!!!!!" I yelled hugging the other dimpled blonde. Hey maybe my new type is blonde with dimples. We hugged and Sabrina got up. "Oh Sabrina meet Tori. Tori meet Sabrina" I started . The girls shook hands as we forgot that we were face timing Camz. "Hey I wanna meet Tori too!!!" Camz yelled. Sabrina handed the phone to the big smiling girl. Sabrina and I sat back down in our seats as camz and Tori talked. Out of habit I entwined mine and Sabrina's hands together. My fash blushed as I removed my hand and muttered a sorry. Sabrina shook her head and reentwined our fingers. I smiled at her and returned to out last place her head on my shoulder my head on her head.I smiled this felt nice to being in this spot with such a nice funny girl. The silence between us wasn't akward one bit. I mean we could hear Tori and Camila talking , but this silence is good. I had a comfortable smile placed on my face. "TEDDYYYY!PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE."Camz begged. I lazily opened my eyes and grabbed my phone,lifting my head up from her head. "Hey can,what's shaking bacon?"I asked smiling. Tori got in the same position as Sabrina. I smiled at her and wrapped my arm around her. I continued to talk to Camila. We talked about alot of things that popped in our head.