The Time to Return

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"Harry"- parseltongue
"Harry" - thought
"Harry" - normal conversation
+Harry+ - other language
(Harry) - telepathy


Harry smirk in satisfaction watching the circle and petterns he drawn for the ritual. Its a painstaking job, after all the effort he made just to get the ingredients in Nocturn Alley he almost killed the shop keeper for trying to cheat him. If only he was not hidding and doing something forbidden if the people got a hind of it, he will got a ticket strait to the vail.

And also for creating the potion he needed, he only had one shot for doing it tonight. With the help of Salazar's guidance he successfully brewed it correctly.

The magic circle is, the potion he needed is ready and also he already readed him self for the ritual.
The time is almost up its 11:23 pm, the wards he put up had been doubled when he return and all possible way to the chamber had been sealed no one can, go or know where is he now.

The thought of going back excite him and no can stop him make him laugh, a laugh that would shudder Voldemort.

And, the time he waited finaly come.

He step into the circle, he started the chant in slow motion in Parseltongue then fast phase while holding the bottle of potion in his right hand securely not wanting it to be destroyed.

His eyes is showing his determination and anticipation. If he successed in this he would go back to the past, not like the way a time-turner work. But he, Harry Potter would travel back in time, to his past self.

As the clock turns midnight, he drink the potion in one gulp and chant faster and faster as the magic circle begun to glow and the magic in the air begun to tick and vibrate, as it synchronize to his chant.

As he chant faster and faster, the magic became chaotic and the ligt from the magic formation began to light blinding him to its brightness. And in his final chant, the magic in the air came to suffocate as it became ticker as the chant progress and vibrate more and the ground quake, as the Hogwarts populace began to notice the abnormality in the magic and ground shaking their to late to take action to the phenomenon.

Beacause after a few minutes it came a loud bang that shook not only the Hogwards but all magical but also the muggles. And, made a big commotion the the public and the great Dumb-a-door did not what happen and Harry Potter is no more, as he now back to the past in his mother's cradle.

Rewritten: A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now