The abandoned apartment complex.

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We just have started the search of the house. Mrs. Harris had told us about when suddenly we heard sirens going off not too far from here. It sounded suspicious. So we decided to go and check it out.

(On the scene)
There is a body laying on the floor of what seems to be a locked room murder. I am not really sure about how this is going to be in the end but I hope that it will be worth it. I try to be  the best I can be at it but I am not the best. In my case I am actually really bad at making these types of decisions. After all I make mistakes all the time. In this case there where only  three windows in the room a table, a chair and some coffee cups. All I knew us that the murderer is long gone now. Leaving the woman's body there with almost no sign of the murder weapon. All I can do now is look for fingerprints, and who had problems that they might actually kill someone for. So I started asking the neighbors about the case. Of course after we called the police to come and inspect the place since we couldn't really be sure some one wouldn't go and mess around with the crime scene when we where away from it. So we started to go and search after we had the approval of the police. We learned from the neighbors and acquaintances of the victim was a heavy smoker and also just as heavy at drinking as well and would often go out and drink when ever she went out you could smell it. Then we where asked mainly about if she was died then we told them that she was and they felt bad. That was except the one person that didn't really ask that. Which was Mr. Fredric Handle. The drugstore owner. Who lived on the rode just down the road from her house. And she was a regular at his store.

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