Hi welcome to Handle's Bar what can I get you?
Could you get me some some coke? (I'm not much of a drinker)
Sure thing, one Diet Coke coming right up.
Thanks. Oh I also have a question what where you doing around 12 o'clock yestarday?
Who wants to know?
Me, a private detective that is moving in.
Ok. Here it is I was right here at my bar mixing drinks, and selling drinks from one in the morning to around six at night. If that has anything to do with this case. Well here is your Diet Coke. That will be $1.39 please. Thanks for your visit.
(I exit the bar)
He has now has an alibi to cover his case. But I wonder if it is a solid one.
(A regular customer comes out of the bar and I go and talk to him)
May I have a moment of your time sir?!
Sure what do you need?
Well I am wondering did you come to this bar at this same time yestarday?
Yes I come here about this time everyday.
Did the bartender leave the bar at any time?
No, not that I can recall. He was here the whole time that I was here.
Are you 100% sure that you came here at that time?
Yes, So leave me alone I have got to get home so that my wife doesn't yell at me.
I understand have a good day.
(He walks away from me and I wrote down everything he said and head straight back to the agency without any leads.)
Here I am again
Mystery / ThrillerA detective story in a new idea series that I am coming up with. It is about a detective named Jack Walters and his wife Jane Walters who have moved to a city after graduating from college. They are right now working on their first mystery called,"H...