The reunion and the hottie

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'No , no this must be some kind of sick joke . This guy can't be my father !'

I couldn't even speak , my mouth was opening and closing while everyone just looked at me waiting for a reaction. I probably looked like a gold fish right now but I don't care his word's are swimming around my skull over and over again . I was broken from my thoughts when a felt a large warm hand placed on my upper arm , I look at the hand and work my way up until my eyes meet my apparent 'father' I instantly shrug his hand off and start my way to the door hearing my name being shouted .

"Sophia please we need to discuss this !"

I just continued to walk to the door as I just open it the most attractive guy I have ever seen walks in just ending the conversation he was having on his phone. He looks up at me and stares into my big brown eyes with his ice blue ones

I break off what ever just happen and walk out the door hearing it close then reopened only seconds later

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I break off what ever just happen and walk out the door hearing it close then reopened only seconds later .
I start running before dropping my board and jumping on I put in my ear phones and turn up my music to the loudest it will go . Listening to 30 seconds to mars kings and queens I dodge pedestrians as I go past on my board getting as far away from that diner as possible.

I arrive back at my house and jump off my board and practically usain bolting into the room I shut the door behind me and rest my head against I didn't realise that I wasn't the only one in the room until I heard a throat being cleared behind me making me instantly spin round almost falling over . I steadied myself before looking up at a very angry and confused looking stepfather, "Eeerm , hi ?" "What are you doing home so early?let me guess there finally released how stupid you are and sacked you ?"
'What a prick!'
I don't say anything incase I accidentally annoy him . I simply put my head down and move forward to get to my room hopefully where I will be left to sit and pity myself . But before I have the chance to take another step I am grabbed by the arm and dragged into a solid chest 'wow de ja vu ?' I didn't move it was though my feet instantly were glued to the spot .

"Well I guess you being home early means more fun for me " 'SHIT'

My brain is screaming for me to run but my legs feel like weights , come on sophie MOVE .

Whilst arguing with myself I didn't realise that he had already removed my jacket and was turning me around to face him , I kept my head now feeling like I might just throw up if I look him in the eye .

"What not going to try fight me off today ? Hmm maybe you are starting to fall for me 😏"

'Oh hell nahh'

"Get off me Denny "

"Oh and why would I do that ?"

"Because this is wrong and I would never sleep with some low life like you "

'What have I just done '

You know when you watched cartoons when you were little and when ever the person got angry steam would come out there nose and ears ? Trust me if this was a cartoon that's what Denny would look like right about now .

"You foul mouthed piece of shit ! How dare you talk to me like that !" He shouts through gritted teeth .

I pushed away only to be grabbed again by my wrists and push until my back and head hit a wall , I look up seeing black dots my head hurts so much .

"This will show you not to talk to me like that again !"

Before I can even move a fist comes towards the left side of my face and connecting with my upper cheek bone instant pain erupts through the side of my face . But I don't cry that's one thing I will not give him to satisfaction of knowing he has broken me . Once again being broken from my thoughts I am threw to the floor and try standing but am then greeted with his boot kicking me in the ribcage making me double over in pain as I cough repeatedly.

'Where is my mother whilst this is happening?'

Just as I look up I hear a familiar high pitch voice calling from the top of the stairs .

"Denny .... baby...what's going on down there ?"

'Wow mother '

"Why don't you come down here and see for yourself?"

'Oh great '

The sound of heels connecting with the wooden stairs is bought to my attention as I then see the one person who should protect me come around the door frame .. my mother.

"Oh its just her , what the fuck's it done this time ?" She asks looking less then impressed that I'm here .

"Little slut tried to seduce me , when I told her the only woman I wanted was you she lashed out , what I did was self defence "

"Oh really?!"

"Oh really?!"

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"Mum .. I .. swear ...that's.."

"Why the fuck would he ever want a disgusting little rat like you !? God I wish I got rid of you from the start , you pathetic little girl can't and won't ever find anyone to love you so you think you can take my man !?"😠

By this point I no that there is no point in pleading for forgiveness for something I didn't even do. I just sit up with my ribs hurting beyond belief and wait patiently for my beating .

I look up at the two people I hate more then anything else in the world and put on my strong face acting as though I don't care , well this just makes them more angry ..

"You little brat !"

My mother walks towards me with a firm look on her face and raises her heeled foot to my face causing it to make a small cut .

My hair is then grabbed and twisted around her stiletto nailed hand causing me to let a small whimper escape my lips, just as she is about to do something the front door comes flying open revealing a very pissed off clay .

I look at him in pure shock as he is glaring at my mother who still has her hand entwined in my hair , I look up at her with shock written all over her face .


The only word that fall from my mother's mouth are four letters


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