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**Noya's POV**

I laid in bed with my hand over my forehead and part of my eyes. When is Suga gonna be here? I think to myself as I stare at the ceiling. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I couldn't move cause I would end up throwing up everywhere. I learned that this morning when I got ready for school. I heard the door open up and a familiar voice call out, "Hello? Noya are you here?" It was Asahi! Oh no. Oh  nononononono!! I start freaking out. Suga said he was coming! Not Asahi!

Speak of the devil, Asahi walks into my bedroom and with one glace at me, he runs to the edge of the bed looking into my eyes with worry. Luckily my blush looked like part of me being sick. He felt my head and gave me a thermometer. I groaned but took it and allowed him to see what my temperature was. I was even wondering what it was at this point cause I was starting to feel delusional. Asahi looked at my temp and I could see him freak out in his brain, I swear I could see it, he ran out of my room shouting, "I'll make you soup!" As he went.

Laying in bed still, I reached over and grabbed the thermometer. 103. That's the highest fever I've ever had. I began to wonder if it was affected by my blushing... I grabbed my phone and realized Suga texted me about an hour ago and exactly two minutes ago. In the first text he said he couldn't make it to my house and that he'll see if Asahi could come. In the second text, the way he wrote the text, you could tell he was in desperate need of someone. I responded:
Suga calm down. It's gonna be okay. Don't worry about anything I'll be here for you even if I can't be there physically
I quickly sent the message and put my phone right next to me as Asahi walked into my room.

"Hey Noya. I brought you some soup..." Asahi pointed out the obvious. I tried to say thanks but coughed instead. Asahi came over sat me up and gave me the soup. I nodded and he nodded. I started on the soup but the first sip I had tasted like hell in a bowl. It tasted putrid but knowing Asahi and his fragile heart, I smiled and managed another sip. He smiled back at me and then got up to leave again. "Stay." What was I thinking?! Asking Asahi to stay was a very bad idea. I like him, maybe even love him, but I've had fevers before and when I get delusional with a fever, like I'm getting now, I have absolutely no filter over what I say. If I tell Asahi that I love him...Oh God. He might hate me, or even worse, he might hate gay people and call me a fag or even beat me up... Okay beating me up is something he would never do. And he might not call me a fag... The gentle giant is to nice for that stuff right? Right? While all this was going through my head like a tornado, Asahi sat down on the other side of my bed.

At this point I stopped drinking the soup. It made me feel sick and much worse than before so I just sat there staring at nothing with a poker face. "Noya? Are you feeling any better?" Asahi asked.
"Y-yeah." I responded quietly.
"Alright. You're mom will be home soon right?" I  shrugged. She never said when she'd be home. Asahi told me he would stay the night with me if I wanted him to. After me telling him he had school tomorrow and volleyball in the morning he finally agreed to leave. "Call me or text if anything happens okay?" He asked but it sounded more like a demand. "Okay. Love you." I immediately covered my mouth and blushed like crazy. Asahi started laughing. "Love you too little libero!" He walked out and closed my door. My blush was really dark at this point. Did he just say he loves me back?! Omg omg omg ahhhhh headache so many thoughts my mind was racing. I couldn't think of anything other than Asahi. I didn't want to think of anything other than him. After texting Suga I learned what was bothering him. After calming him down I told him what happened and he calmed me down. Eventually I fell asleep dreaming of Asahi.

Hi guys! Rach here to let you know that I'm sorry this part came out late. I am trying to update everyday but if that doesn't work it'll be every other day!
Have a miraculous day!

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