Chapter 23 Syringes & sociopaths

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Simon's POV

I opened my eyes, I was stood in my bedroom. Confused, why was I here? I remember that cunt Harry sticking a syringe in my neck while we were in mid plan.

Fuck! I ran out of my room and into my living room. Where is he? I swear to god I'll fucking!- "is that you Simon?"

I heard a broken voice ask. I looked to my right and saw a rocking chair in the end of my living room, it was rocking slowly. I felt chills run down my spine.

I was breathing this cold air it felt so cold in the apartment also very dark. I slowly started to walk to the chair. I turned it around, it was my grandad. The only family that actually wanted me, needed me. "Why'd you leave, Simon? You left me." He said.

I felt my heart stop for a moment, It wasn't my choice! I had to! Stefan would have killed him if I wouldn't. "I'm so sorry" I said faintly. I had a really hard time apologizing, it was what I sucked at the most! I've lost many people in my life because of it. Everything would've been so different if I just said sorry, but no. I just stand there silently.

He smiles until his eyes turn completely white. He starts to groan and gives out sounds that signal he's in pain. I stand up quickly and take a step back. He starts to bleed through his shirt on his chest. "Stop..stop,stop!! STOP!!" I yell, each time louder. But it didn't change a thing. What was happening?? In the corner of my eye I see someone run out of the door. "HEY!" I yell and quickly sprint after him, I go through the door and fall to the ground.

I feel a slight dirt taste in my mouth. I stand up of the ground, I was surrounded with trees? Was I in a forest? What the hell is happening to me?! The apartment was gone.

"Simon" I hear a voice say. not any voice, Jade's voice! I look around and try to figure out where the voice came from. It repeated it self over and over again "Simon". I walked a little until I noticed it was all around me. "Where are you?!!" I yell back. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Jade, she smiled. A bright pretty smile, I haven't seen one of those in a long time.

It quickly faded off. She screamed. I turn around to a mirror, I got the word "liar" written on my forehead. As I was about to turn around back to Jade I feel a hard knock on my head. I fall back and close my eyes in pain.

My vision was blurry. I felt my arms where tied to something in the air, I had a huge head ache but I was standing. My vision was clear. I was in some kind of basement? Of course it was a fucking basement my hand were in hand cuffs that were connected to some chains that were stuck to the ceiling.

"Oh, hi Simon" Harry said.

walking out of the shadow like they would do in a classic horror movie.

"Let me out of these!! You fucking sociopath!!" I said shaking my arms and the handcuffs trying to attack him.

"You see, if I do that you'll most likely attack me" He said. "Where are we?! Are we in a basement? And let me out of these handcuffs !" I yelled. "Well you kinda look good in handcuffs , you know. Really flexis your arm muscles." He chuckled, walking up to me smirking, enjoying his moment.

"Huh, this room kinda looks like an basement but sadly no. This is my favorite place on earth! Before they took it away from me!" Harry spat. "You're sick!" I stated. "Look Simon, I know you. And your past. And your little partnership with Stefan!".

"And I can't let someone like that near Jade. You know? I'm just trying to protect her and your kinda just in my way" he said. "YOU CANT PROTECT HER YOU AREN'T IN A RIGHT SATE OF MIND, You're crazy! Insane!!" I spat.

I was protecting her! I always have been. Not this fuckin' insane guy. Jade also didn't need protection, she could conquer the world if she wanted to, she was so determined. But even though she could probably save the world without me, I'd still be here, to catch her if she'd fall?

"Say what you want" he shrugs.

"YOU WERE IN AN ASYLUM!!" I yelled. "Ya, were I meet Jade. And you know what? She trusts me! She got me out!!" He said, getting louder and louder.

"What did you dream about?" Harry asked, changing the subject like he just snapped. "What?" I questioned, kinda odd thing to ask about.

"The syringe I stung in your neck may have some side affects, like hallucinations" Harry said, his eyes growing bigger.

I try shaking my arms and moving my body. Just trying to get out of the handcuffs . "Ya buddy, you ain't going nowhere any time soon" he says laughing.

Jade's POV

We got back to Max's place. How were we supposed to find them? "Do you know anyone who may know where Harry is?" Max asked.

"No" I simply said without thinking about it. My thoughts weren't straight, everything was foggy or blurry or whatever I don't know! "Well where is he staying?" Max asked.

"At Tobi's!" I said in realization as I stand up at the same time.

"Well do you think he's there?" Max says. Well it would weird if he kidnapped Simon, just to bring him home? Is he aware that I stayed at his house? I and I know 100% where it is?

"Well I think we should sleep on it" Max said. I looked at Max and sighed, I was really tried but how could I sleep if Simon is just out there? With some psychopath! Max walked over to me and hugged me. "It's going to be okay" he says. "We are going to find him" he says.

"Ya.." I said.

I didn't get much sleep at all, my heart ached as my mind thought about the worst.

Early in the morning we got up and left to Tobi's house. I felt sick in my stomach. Tobi let us in and walked us to his office.

"So what's up" Tobi said and sat down in his chair. "I was wondering if you knew where Harry is?" I asked.

Tobi leaned and sat his elbows down on the table. "No, I actually haven't seen him, since you were with him" he says truthfully, I think.

"Oh well we also haven't seen him since last night and we were a little worried" I say. "Why did something happen?" He asks, I look at Max.

"No he just disappeared last night and we were wondering where it could be?" Max asks. "I know a place". Tobi states.

"Could we maybe see it?" I ask.

"Yes but you need to tell me everything that happened". Tobi says, dead serious.

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