Lord of Light

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Light Village K side

Light village was the home of the Legend Eron, the Lord of Light

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Light village was the home of the Legend Eron, the Lord of Light. Eron remembered the day he was told that he was a Legend. He was in denial for quite awhile. Even his brothers and sisters couldn't believe it. Being a Legend was a big deal. It's a very rare honor. As a child he wasn't really anymore special than the all the other children. He wasn't smarter than them nor was he stronger than them. Never did he ever think that he would be the next Lord of Light. There is never a clear sign as a child that would say if they were a Legend or not. The only ones who could tell is other Legends. 

Eron walked through the village with his hood pulled over his head and using a walking stick to help his limp. Memories of his childhood flooded back to him as he looked around seeing many familiar land marks. The market, the school, the neighborhoods. He chuckled when he saw a penghou pastry stand. His mother would take him and his siblings there all the time if they did good in school or if it was a special occasion. The sun was bright as always. Light village was known well for how beautiful everything looked with the light of the sun. Yes it was the same sun that everyone else saw, but there was something about light village that made it even more beautiful and special. He smiled and breathed in the air feeling his body relax and become refreshed. Children would stop to look at him as he walked by. Some of them were too young to understand who he was. Other children, who were older, lowered their heads in respect. The adults too stopped what they doing and lowered their heads. An older man walked up to him and greeted him.

"Eron! It's so good to see you again" he greeted.

"Klay, my old friend. It's good to see you too. How are your grandchildren?" 

"They are well. They're growing up so fast these days. Makes me remember when we were their age." Klay was a childhood friend of his. They had known each other ever since they were 6. They even went to school together. When they were 23 they got a job at a market stand which sold fabric. It was at that stand that Lord Siraj, the Lord of light before him, his master and mentor, told him that he was to become the next Lord of light. Klay was standing next to him at that very moment feeling both shocked and excited for Eron. After that day, Klay had more respect and appreciation for his friend. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" Klay asked
It wasn't very often that you would see a Legend walking around in the village. There was usually a reason for them to do so.

"Today is the day, Klay. Today is the day I meet my successor" Eron told him. Klay smiled proudly.

"I hope it's one of my family. That would be a great honor" Klay expressed. Eron nodded. It would be a honor for anybody. But he reminded his friend that he couldn't control who was picked and who wasn't. "Do you need help getting around? Your limp seems bad". Eron shook his head.

"I'll be okay". The process of finding his successor was not that easy. He had to go from house to house because​ there wasn't really a way to tell what house they would be living in. He could try to sense for his successor's presence broadly, but Eron figured he'd give everyone a chance. After a long search, he finally made it to Klay's house. Klay eagerly let him in and called together everyone in the house. The young ones gathered in front of Eron. All of them excited.

"Where's Xhaiden?" Klay asked one of his grandchildren.

"Oh he's in the back collecting fire wood with Baekhyun" they explained. Baekhyun wasn't a part of the family. He was just a friend that lived down the street. He would come over to hang out with the oldest sibling and sometimes help with chores around their house. Baekhyun didn't have any siblings. He always wanted one but his father died before he was born and his mother never remarried. So his chances of having any siblings was zero. He had met Xhaiden at school and they immediately became friends. After Xhaiden found out how bored Baekhyun would be at home, he would invite him over to come hang out with him and his family. Today was one of those days. 

"Go get them and bring them in here" Klay told them. The two youngest raced to get them. They finally came in but froze when they saw Eron.

"No way" Baekhyun thought out loud.

"That's the Lord of Light!" Xhiaden exclaimed.

"Yes and he's looking for his successor, so come and stand with your siblings" Klay ordered. Xhaiden looked at his friend excited. 

"Do you think it will be me?" he asked Baekhyun. His friend shrugged and smiled.

"That would be cool if you are" he told him, "I hope you are". Xhaiden turned and looked at his siblings but he didn't move. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Get over there" he laughed as he gave his friend a little nudge. Baekhyun wished him good luck quietly then stood off to the side with the adults as Xhaiden joined his siblings. Eron looked at each of them then closed his eyes trying to feel their presence. A Legend could sense when another Legend was near and this is how they find their successor. He felt nothing with these young ones.

"Sorry Klay," he said opening his eyes, "they aren't the ones". The young ones sighed.

"Oh well" Klay sighed, "Xhaiden, go with your friend and go get some fresh bread for dinner". As they headed outside Baekhyun caught the attention of Eron. Baekhyun also stopped for a moment and their eyes met. Shivers ran up his spine as he felt a strange connection. What is this feeling? Baekhyun thought.

"Baekhyun!" Xhaiden called to him, "Are you coming?"

"Hu? Oh, yeah. I'm coming" he turned and followed his friend out. Eron watched him as they exited the house. Once outside the boys stopped.

"How is it this dark already?" Xhaiden exclaimed. He tried to light their path with his hand.

"Still can't really see" Baekhyun teased. Xhaiden pushed him.

"Well sorry if my light isn't very bright" he teased back.

"I bet you I can do better" Baekhyun boasted.

"I'd like to see you try" his friend challenged. Baekhyun stretched his hands and neck, preparing himself. He just stood there. Nothing happened. "Any day now" Xhaiden laughed. Baekhyun closed his eyes and lowered his head, concentrating. His whole body started to glow. He glowed so bright that they could see all around them for several feet. Xhaiden shielded his eyes from the brightness. The children in the house ran to see. Klay couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"How is he doing that?" Klay asked as he looked at Eron. Eron smiled and walked towards Baekhyun. Standing there he nodded his head and smiled. Baekhyun noticed his stare and felt awkward. Why was he looking at him like that?

"Sir?" Baekhyun said, "did you need something?" The old man walked over and stood the boy in front of him.

"What's your name, son?"

"I'm Baekhyun". The old man took off his hood to reveal a face that had seen many things and had a lot of experience and wisdom. He reached into his clock and pulled out a necklace with his symbol on it. He put it in the young man's hands and folded his fingers over to hold the necklace. Baekhyun looked at his hand then back to him and he stopped glowing. "What's this for?"

"Baekhyun, you were born for a reason. To protect your village, and every who lives on EXO. You have been gifted with abilities beyond your imagination. Always use them for good and not for your own advantage. Baekhyun, I name you...Lord of Light". Baekhyun froze in shock. He unfolded his hand and saw the emblem that he was given, then put it around his neck. He stood there full of confidence. His friends gasped. They were witnessing a historic event. They all lowered their heads. 

"Long live the Legends" they said in unison. Baekhyun felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Xhaiden standing behind him. He started to laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Baekhyun himself almost started laughing too. 

"I'm sorry" he apologized as he tried to calm down his laughter, "it's just you told me that you hoped I was the next Legend. But instead it's actually you". Baekhyun snickered and shook his head. 

"Funny how life works". 

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