Lord of Life

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Life Village M side

Sage was the best healer in the village when he was young

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Sage was the best healer in the village when he was young. Everyone went to him to have him cure their sickness or to heal a wound. Hearing that he was the next Lord of Life wasn't that big of a shock. From the day he first healed his mother from being severely sick at 5 years old, everyone knew that he would be the next Legend. Unfortunately, the one thing that can't be healed is old age. Even Sage himself was now an old man and his abilities were withering along with him. It was time for a new Lord of Life to take his place.

Life village was know for its people to be strong, healthy, and with long life. It was also know for its beauty. Life village was the most beautiful village on the whole planet. Basically think of the elves from lord of the rings and that's what life village and its people are like. Everyone greeted him and knew why he was there. 

"Sage!" One greeted him happily, "Have you come to pick your successor?"

"I have" he replied, "But I do not pick my successor. They are already born a Legend. I just simply have to find them." They were all eager to know who was the next Legend. Some even wanted to help Sage out.

"My son is the best healer in the whole village" boasted a man, "it has to be him". Everyone agreed. 

"Oh yes," one agreed looking at Sage, "Zoilo has always been at the top of his class. He's a very talented healer."

"He'd make a perfect Legend" another said. Sage though had to see for himself before drawing any conclusions. The man led him to his home and had his oldest son come out. 

"Zoilo" his father called. A strong looking young man stepped out and stood next to his father. "This is my son Zoilo" he introduced him to Sage, "Zoilo, this is Lord Sage of Life". The young man lowered his head in respect. 

"It's an honor to meet you" the young man said enthusiastically.

"He's looking for the next Legend" his father told him.

"I heard that you are the best healer" Sage said. Zoilo smiled proudly. 

"You heard correct"

"Show him what you can do" his father suggested. Sage watched closely as he saw the young man heal a young girl with a fractured arm. With in about three minutes she was completely healed.  The crowd was amazed. 

"He must be the next Legend!" he heard some say behind him. Zoilo stood in front of him full of confidence. Just like the crowd and his father, he was sure that he was to be the next Lord of Life. There was no question about it. 

"It's obvious that it's him" he heard people saying. Sage looked at him. He stood there self-assured and ready to hear that he was the next Legend. Everyone fell silent waiting for Sage to say something. Sage just shook his head and began to walk away. The boy's father stopped him.

"Wait! He is the next Lord of Life, isn't he?" The father asked, "it's obvious that it's him".

"No" Sage shook his head again, "he's not the one". Everyone gasped. They didn't expect that answer. The father was half shocked and half angry. So was his son.

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