Chapter 3

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Tyler told his mom everything that had happened that day. After he finished, they sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Josh abruptly stood up and started walking toward the door.

"I better get going now-"

"Oh, no you don't," Tyler's mom said sternly, casting a disapproving glance at the scared boy. "You are going to promise me that you will never, I repeat, NEVER talk to my son ever again, you hear me?"

Josh looked at her with his wide eyes and stuttered a response. "I promise." He hurried out the door, not bothering to say goodbye to Tyler.

Promises had never stopped him before.

{~|-/~}     {~|-/~}     {~|-/~}

The next day at school, Tyler walked into calculus with his head down, not even acknowledging Josh's presence. An awkward vibe surrounded them throughout the class, and when the bell rang, Josh finally spoke.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday, Ty," he said, trying to make eye contact with the taller boy.

"Yeah, well, sorry doesn't cut it." He turned his head in Josh's direction, and received a horrified gasp.

"Tyler! What happened to your face!" Josh reached out to comfort him, but Tyler jerked away.

"Oh, nothing you could've stopped," snapped Tyler.

"What did your mom do to you?!" asked Josh frantically, for the whole left side of Tyler's face was covered in a nasty bruise. Anger flooded through Josh's body, wanting to get back at that horrible woman for hurting such a sweet boy.

"If you really cared you would have stayed," spoke Tyler, his voice cracking as he held back tears. He slipped out of the door and into the mass of people filling the hallway.

Josh felt so guilty for leaving. What did he expect? He was scared of Tyler's mom, and she barely even spoke to him. He knew how this must look. He wasn't just some fuckboy looking for a good time. Even though Josh had only known Tyler for 24 hours, he felt a connection with him. Something about Tyler was just so mysterious and intriguing. He wanted to know everything about him, but it was going to be a lot more difficult now.

Josh headed out into the hallway after Tyler, desperate to explain himself. He didn't get very far until he found himself in an unfamiliar area, completely lost. As he headed back in the same direction he had come from, two girls that smelled like they bathed in perfume stopped right in front of him.

"We heard you have to be friends with Mr. Suicide," said the blonde one, suppressing a giggle. Josh furrowed his brow, unsure of who they were talking about.

"Better watch out, make him mad and he might suck out your soul." The second girl had red hair, and burst out laughing at her own comment. Josh finally realized who they were talking about.

"Tyler?" he asked, clenching his fist.

The redhead spoke first. "Who else? I like your shirt by the way." She pointed at Josh's new Panic! At The Disco tee, but he payed no attention.

"I don't give a fuck if you like my shirt. Say anything about Tyler again and I'll be using it to strangle you." The girls took a few steps back, shocked at his response.

"Bipolar much?" whispered the blonde. The other nodded, and they walked away, giggling audibly. Josh became aware of all the people staring at him, and he rushed to try to find the way to his next class.

{~|-/~}     {~|-/~}     {~|-/~}

Josh was late for his next four classes. He could barely concentrate on anything; he spent the majority of the morning staring at Tyler and thinking about those girls in the hallway. At lunch he payed for his food, and went to sit next to Tyler.

"Ty, I need to explain myself. I know what you're thinking-"

"Would you just stop," Tyler said irritably.

"Stop what? I know that sorry isn't enough, okay? I know that I shouldn't have left you there alone, and I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place. I just want you to know that I was concerned about your safety, and that I like you. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I fucked up, and I'm more than just sorry." Josh reached across the table to lift up Tyler's chin. "I promise it won't happen again, Ty. I promise."

Tyler looked up hesitantly, staring into the dark brown eyes straight across from him. "It wasn't your fault, Josh. None of this would've happened if I'd just kept my mouth shut. My mom's just really... homophobic, I guess."

"How about we just take things slow for now. Get to know each other before we, you know, kiss again." Josh let go of Tyler's chin.

"Yeah, you don't even know my last name," Tyler smiled and ran his hand through his fluffy, brown hair.

"Let me guess... is it Joseph?"

"How'd you know?" asked Tyler, a look of fake surprise on his face.

Josh readjusted the black beanie he was wearing. "I've already proven myself to be a stalker, haven't I?"

Both the boys laughed, but Josh stopped as soon as he saw two girls walking toward them.

"What's wrong, Jish?" Tyler turned around, and to his disgust, saw Jenna Black and Debby Ryan.

"How're you doing, you two lovebirds?" asked Jenna. "Me and Debby saw you guys getting real close over here..."

"Is that why you were defending him?" Debby raised her eyebrows, looking judgmentally at Josh. "Friends don't look at each other like that. I mean, I thought you were pretty cute. I would've asked you out but... I guess I'm not a guy." The girls both giggled.

"Who are you anyway?" asked Josh. "What's your problem? We're not bothering you."

Debby rolled her eyes. "You don't understand, do you? Your boyfriend must not have told you, but he doesn't like me and Jenna. Just because he can't take a few jokes. Can you believe that? We'll step up our game though, since we found out he's some dick-sucking loser." At this comment, Josh stood up.

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend. And second of all, you've probably sucked more dick in the past month than he has his whole life, so you shouldn't be talking." He grabbed Tyler's arm. "C'mon Ty, let's go."

The whole lunchroom was staring at Debby. A couple of people yelled "Get roasted", but most were too shocked to speak.

"Oh, they're definitely gonna pay for that," whispered Debby. The girls stomped out of the room angrily.

{~|-/~} {~|-/~} {~|-/~}

Meanwhile, Tyler and Josh were walking mindlessly around the school, talking.

"Any celebrity crushes?" Tyler asked.

"Well, when I was eight, I had a huge crush on Jessica Alba," said Josh, laughing.

"Seriously? Jessica Alba?"

"Yup. That was ten years ago, though. I've been crushing over Brendon Urie ever since. I mean, have you seen the music video for Girls/Girls/Boys?"

Tyler giggled. "Should I be worried?"

"Not at all, Ty." Josh was tempted to hold Tyler's hand, but he remembered what they had discussed during lunch.

"Well, you don't have a shirt with my face on it, do you?" asked Tyler, nudging Josh. He had no idea how Josh could be so cute at all times. It must be exhausting.

"I could make one," said Josh, smiling. He couldn't resist; he had to hold Tyler's hand. As their fingers interlocked, a blush spread across both of their faces.

"I could definitely make one."

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