Feelings for inojin

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After explaining to them what happened,
Obviously chouchou was angry.
Inojin was sorting his thoughts and me...
I was eating ice cream.

"The next time I see that jerk in gonna kick his ass!" Chouchou blurted out obviously annoyed.

"I'm sure that there's a reason he did that. I mean boruto is my friend he can be a jerk but there's gotta be a little more to it." Said Inojin with a nervous smile but obviously he was mad for me.

"Honestly guys..I don't really care..." I answered putting another chunk of ice cream in my mouth. A little got on my glasses.

"What are you gonna do then? Avoid him or something. Oh by the way sarada you got some on your glasses." Said the brunette

"I don't know. Just ignore him I suppose,"
I replayed struggling to clean my glasses with my sleeve.

"Here lemme help" Inojin said going to my bed.

"Thanks" I handed him my glasses and he went to the bathroom to rinse them off.

When he left chouchou jumped on my bed, "hold up, girl you better tell me what's going on with you and blonde."

"Boruto" I said in confusion

"Aw hell no. INOJIN!"

"What about him?"

She crossed her arms, "do you like him?"

"Whaaaaaaa" I answered nervously

"You do!"

"What does this have to do with what happened to me?"

"I don't know"

I gave a nervous smile and Inojin walked in holding my clean glasses.

"Here I think I got it clea-" he paused and looked at me

"What's wrong? Can I have my glasses please."

"O-oh yeah.." he answered handing me glasses, but I can tell he was blushing a bit. I wonder why...

Chouchou looked at the clock and almost fell off the bed, "omg I gotta go!!!"

Inojin checked his watch and had the same response, "moms gonna kill me!"

"O-oh..." I said putting some more ice cream in my mouth.

They rushed downstairs to the door, "see ya tomorrow sarada!! I promise we'll make sure those guys don't bother you anymore, and nobody actually! Girl, your amazing! Right Inojin?" She said punching him in the arm.

"Ow and yeah! Bye Sarada!"

They were out before I could say bye but I smiled, greatful that I had such good friends.

Maybe I'll go to school tomorrow.


Morning came but neither papa or mama were home.....

Hey~ sorry for the late update, had a lot of school work! Hope you noticed the cliff hanger(^_−)☆ hint is next update might~ involve some clan hatred of uchiha and uzumaki.


Don't be shy, tell me what u think!


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