Joseph Sugg (imagine #1)

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*you and Joe meet through a friend's party*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You didn't even want to go to this party. You didn't know anyone but your friend, and it was the most awkward thing because you had volunteered to be DD. Dealing with drunk people while sober is the most annoying thing, especially this friend. You're sipping the water in the bottle you brought, watching your friend dancing with some guy. "Hey there," you hear behind you. You turn around and see a really hot guy. He's a bit small compared to you, but size isn't a huge factor with you. He has the prettiest blue eyes you have ever seen, and you're attracted to his accent. "Hi," you finally stammer out. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing by herself?" He smiles, and you just about melt. "Staying sober, unfortunately. My friend over there is the intoxicated one. Where are you from?" Curiosity got the best of me. "So caring, yet nosy," he laughs. "I'm from England, currently living in London." "What are you doing in the States then? Especially this podunk town," I scoff. If I lived in England, I'd stay there unless for vacation, and even then, I'd go to LA or Orlando or something. "I'm on holiday and my friend Connor knows the host." He smiles again. "What's your name by the way?" "Y/N," you put your hand out to shake, but he grabs it and brings it to his lips. "I'm Joe," he kisses the back of your hand, making you blush. "You look really familiar, Joe. Have we ever met before?" You furrow your brow, trying to think of where you've seen him before. "Well, I'm a YouTuber, so I'm sure you've seen me there or on other people's stuff," he laughs. "Wait, you're Joe Sugg?!" You finally realize. He laughs hysterically and nods. "Oh my gosh, I'm so dumb sometimes. I watch your videos, I'm a big fan, bow that I finally recognize you," You laugh at your own stupidity. How could you not know that he was ThatcherJoe?! "You're cute, so I'll let it slide, but only if you give me your number," he smirks. "I suppose," You playfully roll your eyes as you take out your phone and give it to him as he simultaneously gives you his. "I have no idea how to put in my number because it's international," You laugh nervously, knowing you sound stupid. "No worries, I know how to do it because of all of my American friends," he smiles sympathetically as he shows you what to put in. "Thanks!" You grin as you exchange phones again. Just as you start chatting away, your friend comes over and whines about how she wants to go home. "Text me when you get home, yeah?" Joe looks at you and smiles. "Yeah of course! We can continue our conversation there. Text me if you need a ride or anything, okay?" You smile back. "Of course, love," he smiles and kisses my cheek. As your friend drags you away, you smile at him and hope that something more comes out of this meet-up than a friendship, although that would be an added bonus.
Message me any requests, including who & what you want to happen & anything else that you want included 😊

Love y'all!

Imagines/ One shots for the Buttercream SquadWhere stories live. Discover now