Joseph Sugg (imagine #2)

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You're best friends with Joe and he wants to do a video with you.


You're just sitting in your room on your laptop, checking various social medias. You didn't really have much to do today, so it was going to be an easy day. Your phone goes off and you check it immediately. It's your best friend, Joe Sugg. (J=Joe Y=you)

J: Hey pretty girl! Haven't seen you in a bit! What are you up to today? x

Y: Hey you! And nothing that can't be done later! What's up?

J: Do you want to film a gaming series with me? I was thinking the sims, but I'm open to suggestions! x

Y: Yeah, of course! And yeah, the sims sounds perfect! Are you filming today?

J: Yeah, in about an hour. Can you come round?

Y: Duh, anything for the Suggster! ;) Be there shortly x

You lock your phone and go to your closet. Joe had always been just your friend, but recently you wanted more with him. You didn't tell him because you didn't know if he felt the same, and if not, did not want to lose his friendship. You find your Sugg Life sweatshirt that he gave you and slipped on your high-top, black and white Converse. You walk out to your kitchen to grab your water bottle and keys, heading out the door to Joe's flat.

*time skip bc I'm lazy af*

You pull up to Joe's building and park outside. You lock your car and pull your phone out of your pocket to text him you were here. After doing that, you take the elevator, or as he called it "lift", to his floor. When the door opened, a girl was standing outside his door, looking impatient. "Can I help you with something?" You call out to her. She turns around, giving you a nasty look. "Do you know if Joe's home? I need to speak with him. It's an urgent matter," she snaps at you. "Uhhh, the last thing I knew, he was home. Did you ring the doorbell?"She rolled her eyes. "Of course, I did. Do I look like an idiot?" You shrug your shoulders. You were done being nice to this wench. "Yeah, actually, you do. Now kindly go back to whatever hole you crawled out of because Joe doesn't want to talk to you. If he did, he would have opened the door." You wave her on. She huffed and stomped away towards the elevator. You hear the door squeak open as this girl got into the elevator. "She's gone, Joseph,"  you sigh then laugh as you feel him squeeze you. It makes you giggle, which in turn makes him laugh. He brings you inside and shuts the door. "Thank you, she just showed up all of a sudden and did not know what to do," he sighed, putting his hand on the back of his neck. "Is everything alright?" You could tell something else was wrong. "Yeah, come on, everything is great now that you're here," he smiles, taking your hand and leading you down to his office. He pulls up a chair next to his and sits in it. "I get the good chair?!" You squeal, clapping your hands together quickly. He laughs at your excitement. "Only because we're filming." He pulls the chair out for you and pats the seat. You graciously sit down as he hands you a pair of headphones. He reaches down to get a water bottle for you when you interrupt him. "I brought my own. Remember? I'm training with you," you laugh as you take a swig out of the water bottle. He laughs, and you look at him, confused. "I saw the saying on it. I like it." You look at it and laugh; it says "no pain no gain" in huge letters. "Glad you find it funny, Sugg," you roll your eyes and laugh in embarrassment. He slightly stands up to turn on his camera to start recording. (The rest of this will be in script form. The same key applies as before.)

J: Hello everyone! Welcome to ThatcherJoeGames, and as you could tell by the title, I'm starting a new series! But, I'm not playing this alone, say hello to Y/N!

Y: Hey guys! Waves to the camera

J: Yes, and today, we are going to play the Sims. Now, I don't know how many of you watch PointlessBlog, or Alfie Deyes, but he has a whole series where he and my sister Zoe play the Sims. So, I thought I would try to do the same sort of thing with Y/N.

Y: Talking to Joe and the camera simultaneously I think, though, that when we make our actual Sims in a minute, we create each other. I have no idea if that makes sense, but oh well. You'll see in a minute.

J: Like, I make your Sim and you make mine?

Y: Yeah, exactly.

J: smirks I like that idea.

Y: We have to make them as close to each other in real life as possible, Joe. You roll your eyes. I refuse to have you make fun of me & make me look ridiculous.

You both laugh as the game finally loads.

J: Alright, time to get started! I'll make you first, yeah?

Y: It's your channel, Joe, I don't care what you do. You laugh.

J: Okay, let's see... 

He creates your physical appearance.

J: Now, for the personality traits... hmm. He looks at you, studying your face. You're flirty, for sure, funny, intelligent... He continues to compliment you as he makes the Sim's personality.

Y: Okay, my turn! You make his Sim. Now for the personality... Joe's a bit of a flirt in real life ladies. You wink at the camera. He's goofy, loveable, protective, caring, all the good qualities a guy can have. A bit of a prankster, as you all know. You look at Joe, who is intensely staring at you. You laugh. Take a picture, Sugg, it'll last longer. What is your life goal?

J: I'm not sure, I have a couple.

Y: Well, which one do you want to happen the most?

He turns off the microphone, so the audio doesn't get in the video. You look at him confused.

J: If I'm being honest... To be with you.

Y: Joe... I had no idea you felt that way about me. I want to be with you, too.

J: He smiles. Perfect. He kisses your cheek.

Y: You didn't answer my question, though.

J: What question is that, love? He turns the microphone back on

Y: You smile at the nickname. Which one do you want to happen the most?

J: Is there a "fall in love" one or something?

Y: You smile. Yeah, well sort of. It's "get married."

J: Close enough. Well, that is the end of the video guys, give is a massive thumbs up, comment down below what you want to happen in this series, and don't forget to subscribe! Massive thank you to Y/N, and we will see you next time. Cheers, goodbye. He shuts off the camera and leans down to kiss you. You immediately kiss back, pulling back just to breath and occasionally laugh. You were finally with the love of your life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As always, message me if you want one! With who, what you want to happen, and anything else you want to be included. Cheers!

Love y'all!!


Imagines/ One shots for the Buttercream SquadWhere stories live. Discover now