Jack Maynard (imagine #4)

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You decide to take Jack to Disney World since he's visiting you in Florida for 2 weeks and he's never been. Written in first person bc I'm lazy and don't wanna fix "you/I" 


Today was a special day! Jack didn't know it yet, but I was taking him to Disney World in Orlando with all of my childhood friends. Since becoming part of the YouTube community, I barely had time with them, but I really wanted Jack to be there. We weren't exactly sure where we stood as far as our relationship. We were more than friends, but we weren't official & had done nothing sexual. He always seemed like he didn't want to be anything more than a friend-with-benefits but the boys constantly told me how much he talked about me and how his face lit up when my name was even mentioned. I'm getting off track, but he's special to me, so why not bring him with all of my other loved ones to the most magical place on Earth?! I knocked on Jack's door, he was staying with me because a hotel in Orlando is expensive & I wanted him with me. "Jack, are you awake?" I ask outside of the door. He opens the door and he's unexpectantly shirtless. I avert my eyes and look at my feet, blushing. I feel his fingers under my chin and he gently lifts it so my eyes meet his. "What do you need, love?" he smiles. "I-I-I just wa-wanted to t-t-tell you that we-we're going into t-town with the girls in a bit," I stammer out. He chuckles and kisses my nose. "You're so pretty when you're nervous." I blush harder. "We're leaving in a half hour to meet at Alex's house," I say quickly and turn to walk away. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist. "Wait, can you get ready with me?" I furrow my brow. This is a weird request from him, but I nod. "I have to shower still, but I can do my hair and makeup with you," I smile at him. He nods and slowly lets me go so I can shower. I walk back to my room, shut the door, and slide down to the floor. "Well, that was unexpected," I say aloud. I gather myself quickly and jump in the shower. 

After my shower, I throw on my white infinity tank top with a pair of high-waisted jean shorts

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After my shower, I throw on my white infinity tank top with a pair of high-waisted jean shorts. I put on my low-top, black and white Converse, and grab everything else I would need to get ready. I slide across the floor since they're hardwood, down to Jack's room. I knock on the door, giving him a second to know it was me. I reach for the door handle, but it opens before I get to it. I jerk my hand back quickly and grab makeup bag to play it off, but he caught on to what I was doing. "You're so funny sometimes," he chuckles. I bite my lip and look down at my feet. I feel his hand on my arm as he drags me gently into his room. He shuts the door and pins me against the door. My eyes grow wide as I realize what he's about to do. I swallow hard, and he gets close to me. "I'm not going to kiss you just to prove a point," he smirks. "And what point is that, Maynard? I have my own point to prove," I smirk back. Two can play at this game. "Mine is that you crave my touch," his fingertips drag lightly on my arm, up to my cheek which he cups. "Well, mine is that you can't get enough of me," I grab onto his belt loops and pull him hard against me, biting my lip. He groans. "Point proved," I wink, getting out of his grip and walking over to his dresser to finish getting ready. He chuckles to himself and walks to the bathroom to fix his hair. I brush mine out and put half of it in a ponytail and leave the rest natural. For makeup, I put on eyeliner (on my waterline), mascara, and a bubblegum pink lip stain. I'm in the middle of filling in my eyebrows when I look up to see Jack gazing at me intensely. "Need your eyebrows drawn in?" I giggle. "You're so mesmerizing when you do your makeup. So focused. It's beautiful," he thinks aloud. "You don't need any of it. I'm happy you don't have a full face on because I can see my favorite thing about you." I turn around in my chair. "And what is that, honey?" "Your freckles," he smiles. I grin at him as he walks over and wraps his arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. I check the time on my phone. "Jack, we have to go, we're gonna be late if we don't leave now!" I hurriedly get up and grab my bag and Jack's hand, and drag him up the stairs to the front door. We stopped for a second so Jack could put his sneakers on, but I continued to drag him to my car. We get in, put on our seatbelts, and I turn my car on, whipping it out of its spot. Once we get on the road, I turn my head his direction. "Okay, so I'm still not telling you where we are going, but you need to wear this," I explain. He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Why aren't telling me, baby?" He whines. "Because it's a surprise!" I giggle, handing him a bandana. "You have to wear this until I tell you otherwise, okay?" He looks at the black and white bandana I gave him. "You're a very minimalistic person," he thinks aloud. "You've made many observations about me today," I laugh, focusing on the road. "I do that for the people I love." It went silent for a beat, but that silence felt like an hour. My thoughts were running a million miles a minute. What does that mean?! He doesn't love me... Or does he? Do I say anything? Do I tell him I feel the same way? Is that too much??? Some of the many questions going through my head as I feel his fingers loop through mine. I glance over quickly and I feel my hand raise to his lips. I bite my lip as he lets go to tie the bandana around his eyes. "No peeking, Maynard," I say, trying to sound stern. He chuckles. "No promises with you being next to me," I heard the wink in his voice. I laugh as I come to a stop sign. "We're already there?" Jack asks, surprised. "No, just at a stop sign. I'll tell you when we get there," I laugh.

*Time Skip bc again, lazy af*

I pull into a parking spot 20 minutes later, far enough away from the entrance where he wouldn't be able to see where we were. "I'm gonna have you take off your blindfold now, but we aren't at what I want you to see yet," I explain to him. "Okay..." he says, confused, but reaches up to untie his blindfold. His brows are furrowed as he looks around the parking lot, surrounded by palm trees and a bunch of tourists. "I have a guess on where we might be," he smirks. My stomach drops. Oh no, I thought, he found out. The parking lot could be many places I've taken him while he has been here, a lot of Floridian parking lots look the same. "Wait, maybe not," he says, taking in more of our surroundings. "Well, you're gonna figure it out because we gotta start walking. This car gets hot quick," I say as I open my door, turning around to get my phone and wallet with our tickets in them, as well as wristbands for FastPasses. I meet him at the back right corner of my car and he grabs my hand as I turn to look behind me and hit the lock button on my key fab. We get closer and meet my friends a bit closer to the gate. "Hey girls!" I let go of Jack and run over to them. I'm immediately enveloped in a group hug, with squeals and light, friendly kisses on my cheek. "Girls, this is Jack," I introduce him to my friends. "I've heard many things about you all. It's nice to finally put stories to faces." He smiles. They go around and introduce themselves individually. "You haven't told him where we are, right?" I shake my head. "Nope, but he's gonna find out soon enough!" Some of the girls run off ahead of us, but my closer friends of the group Maddie, Nikki, and Claire, stayed back with Jack and me. We walk a bit farther until we reach a sign with the trademarked ears. Jack notices it and looks at me. "Are we where I think we are?" I smirk at the innocence in his voice. "Surprise babe!" We meet up with the other girls at Magic Kingdom's gate. "WE'RE AT DISNEY WORLD!" We all shout. His eyes light up under his sunglasses, and he looks like a little kid. He picks me up and spins me around, while we all are laughing and giggling. He puts me down and gets close to my face, making me breathe heavier. "I love you," he smiles, making the girls unanimously say "aww." I bite the corner of my lip, not sure of what to say. We weren't together officially and my friends knew that, but that didn't seem to stop him. "I love you too," I whisper, but they all hear me, and say "aww" louder. Jack looked down at my lips and then back up into my eyes, leaning in. My arms instinctively wrap around his neck as our lips meet, causing the girls to squeal. I laugh, and I feel Jack smiling before I even open my eyes. "You're the best girlfriend I've ever had," he whispers to me, making me grin. "I'm your girlfriend?" I raise an eyebrow playfully. "Better than that; you're my future wife." We walk into the park, hand-in-hand, and made memories we would talk about for years to come.


200 READS LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy so many of you like this! Don't forget about my main fanfic "By Fate We Meet: A Jack Maynard Fanfic" (we just passed 400 reads on that too, so if you come from there, yay!!!) As always, follow me on twitter (sugglife_maynia) and/or my Instagram (sugglife_mayniac) bc I post on there all the time. I love all of you guys and don't forget to keep being your lovely selfs (or selves, idk which is correct)

Love y'all,


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