Chapter 2- The truth

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    Carlisle sighed as he kneeled down in front of a small statue he had made in honor of Esme after she died. It was in a graveyard right outside of Forks. He had to tell people that she died in a horrible car accident and that she couldn't have an open casket funeral. He wasn't going to have a funeral, but people wanted to pay their respects to her and to his family so he allowed the children to do it. Alice had planned it all out within a week. Then it was over and everyone moved on with their lives, though Carlisle has been getting sympathy looks at work, and people telling him they were sorry that he lost his wife so young. He would nod and continue on with his work, even though no one knew how old he really was. He appeared to be in his early twenties. Today he had come here to talk to Esme, to ask her for advise. He had never done this before and probably never will again, but something he felt like he needed to do now or he was going to go insane.

    "Esme" He whispered softly brushing the dirt of the stone plaque that hung beneath her statue. He wanted to cry, but knew it was time to get over her, time to move on. No, he would never fully be over her, but he had never fully gotten over Tavia either. Esme had known about Tavia though, Carlisle never hid that from her. He never had a reason to hid it, Esme had accept all of Carlisle, even his past. He let out a breath before he spoke again. "Bella's pregnant, I'm actually very excited, but I'm still concerned. Its a half human half vampire baby. I wanted to tell them it is possible, but you and I know that isn't true and because I had to think about her, he knows. I want to help, I want Bella to survive this, Edward would be destroyed without her, but honestly, i don't think i could bear to face Tavia again."    

    He sat back so he wasn't on his knees, but actually sitting down. There was a mild wind that swept through the graveyard. He thought it was rather strange since he had just started talking to Esme. He shook his head, he hasn't believed in things that since he had become a vampire. It was, ironically, his father and the way he was raised that made him a skeptic. He never understood how his father could hate the person he helped create, then it had hit him. Carlisle was no longer the son his father had raised, he was now the monster that his father hunted and killed. The creatures his father had despised.

    "Oh Esme, what do I do?" He spoke softly this time he reached up and gently touched the face of the stone statue of his former wife. She looked just as gently as she had been in life. "I can't call her for help, she hates me, I know she does, I could see it in her eyes when she told me to leave without her. Esme, I will always love you, don't get me wrong, but I still love her as well, so I'm so confused. If I call her and she does come, how will we deal with it? With our past? Can we work so peacefully together or will we fight constantly?"

    Carlisle sat in silence for a bit longer before he decided it was time to go home. The kids were probably waiting for him, waiting to explain all about Tavia and why he refused to call her for help. He sighed as he got into his car and drove home. It gave him time to think about what he was going to say. They didn't need to know all the details. They just needed to know why they had left each other, why they don't want to see each other and why he still held a lot of love and admiration in his voice when he talked about her.  Well, he would try to avoid the last one, but he doubted he could. They were just as curious as he was. He made it home, parked his car and went inside, they were all waiting for him in the living room. Even Jacob was there, probably because Carlisle knew someone who could help and he wasn't going to contact this person. Jacob was very protective of Bella despite her being married to Edward.

    "Carlisle" Jacob nodded his head coldly towards Carlisle. Jacob was a wolf so he and the vampires were natural enemies, but Jacob had always been civil towards him, so the attitude made Carlisle cringe about.

    "Jacob" Carlisle sat down in the only free arm chair left. He sighed as he rubbed a hand over his face again. He closed his eyes for a moment before he sighed and looked around. "you want to know what's going on, why i can't call her"

    "Yes" Edward pulled Bella close to him, but Bella had become cold so she moved to sit with Jacob.

    "What is her name?" Alice asked quietly. She obviously knew that whoever this woman had been, Carlisle obviously loved her very much.

    "Her name was... is Tavia DeLuca, we were engaged before I met Esme, long before I met her, and as you can see we are no longer together." Carlisle looked at her, she was familiar with members of the vulturi.

    "But she works for the Vulturi" Alice said softly, surprised lacing her voice as she watched Carlisle shake his head.

    "She doesn't work them, she works with them." He sighed softly his head was starting to hurt, but not from a headache, he just had so much to think about and so much to sort through. "She and I joined them, but when they began to hunt humans on what seemed to be a daily basis, i decided it was time for my to quit. She enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, so she didn't want to leave. We fought about it for along time before we split. I went my way, she went hers, well, she stayed, i left. We haven't spoken since. Do you really want the one person who would probably make this worse for us, be here?"

    "If she knows what she's doing" Jacob said from his seat. Carlisle frowned. Jacob was right, she could help, but Carlisle was being selfish. He didn't want to see her, didn't want to remember their time together.

    "No" Carlisle spoke this time ending the discussion all together. "That is enough of that"

    "Carlisle" Alice spoke softly. "Do you still love her?"

    "I will always love her, she is the reason I am here today, I would have been so lost without her help, she was my inspiration, the reason I am a doctor, the reason I care so much"

    "I'm sorry it had to end so poorly." Alice smiled softly, almost sadly at Carlisle. She looked at him as he realized that she was having a vision. Carlisle had studied each and every one of his 'chilredn's' abilities so he would understand them.

    "Alice what is it?" He was concerned, worried it might be something bad.

     "Someone's here"

    "What do you mean, someone's here?" He had never questioned her vision's before so it was more of a shock that she was telling him this. Then not more then five minutes after did the doorbell rang. They looked at Alice, but all she did was shrug. She saw the doorbell ring, but she couldn't see who was at the door, for whatever reason the person in her vision was blurry. She couldn't tell at all, which was not an easy feat for someone to do. Alice frowned as she watched Carlisle go to the door. She did know that he was going to be very shocked when he opened the door though. Carlisle opened the door and his jaw literal dropped. The rest of the saw the shock on his face and crowded around the door to see who it was, all they got was confused.

    "Hello Carlisle"

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