Chapter 17

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Emily's POV:

We arrive at the police station with Chris holding my hand. I walk him over to my desk and he sits down.

"Hey there Em!" Toby says as he walks over to his desk.

"Hey Toby." I smile.

"Who's that?" He asks looking at Chris.

"His name is Chris, found him yesterday, but I couldn't bring him right away since it was raining really hard." I say.

"Yeah it was raining pretty bad, glad you found him though." Toby says.

"Yes, and has there been any reports on any missing boy from like at least 3 days ago?" I ask Toby.

"I don't know Em, I'll check on that right now."

"Thanks Toby." I say. "I'll be right back Chris, I'm just going to talk with someone for a few minutes." Chris nods his head and faintly smiles.

I walk over to my dad's office and knock.

"Come in." He says.

Toby's POV:

"Want a donut?!" Caleb says while walking over to my desk.

"Yeah thanks." I say.

"Who's this lil guy?" Caleb asks.

"That's Chris, Em brought him in this morning, she found him."

"Wow, well good she did, want a donut Chris?" Caleb asks while placing the box of donuts in front of him. "It's ok, don't be scared, take them all if you want." Caleb smiles, and Chris grabs a donut.

"Need any help?" Caleb asks.

"No thanks, just looking to see if anyone has reported Chris as missing." I say.

"Oh ok, well if you need anything I'll be at my desk." Caleb says.


Emily's POV:

I walk out of my dad's office and go over to my desk. "Oooh donuts!" I say as I grab one and sit with Chris.

"You're welcome!" Caleb says from over his desk.

"Thanks Caleb, always being the best." I laugh.

"Hey! I thought I was the best!" Toby says looking at me.

"You both are the best, but Chris is number 1!" I laugh and Chris smiles while eating his donut.

"But I'm the second best than!" Caleb exclaims. "No! I am!" Toby says.

"Guys omg calm down, you both are the best." I laugh.

"I brought you donuts Em!" Caleb says.


"Sorry." He says.

I nod my head and look at Chris. "Once you're done, we have to go somewhere where they'll take care of you, while we find your mom, is that okay Chris?" I say.

"Will I get to see my mommy?!" He exclaims.

"As soon as we know where she is, but you'll be okay Chris." I say.

He sits back with a sad looking face and continues eating his donut.


"There's no reports that match Chris." Toby says.

"Thanks Toby, I'll see what I can do." I say and walk back over to my desk.

"Alright Chris, let's go." I say and he gets up walking beside me. He then stops and waves bye to Toby and Caleb. I smile and we say bye.

We walk over to my car, and I help him put on the seatbelt.

"Em?" He says.

"Yes Chris?" I ask looking at him.

"Please help me find my mommy. I miss her." He whispers and I get a little sad.

"Don't worry, I'll do anything to find your mommy, you'll see her soon. While we wait to find her, we're going to go to a place where you can make a lot of friends and not worry about anything else, it's good right?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you Em. You are very nice." He says.

"You're welcome lil buddy, now let's go." I say.


We arrive at a Foster Care home, and Chris once again holds my hand.

"Okay, I promise you, that you'll be okay here. I'll find your mommy and you'll see her again."

"Thank you Em." He says as we walk inside.

"Emily?" I hear a familiar voice say my name. I turn around and see Samara.

"Samara? What are you doing here?" I ask as she hugs me.

"I work here you dummy." She laughs.

"Wow, didn't know that." I say.

"Yeah, just started 2 weeks ago, I haven't seen you in a while." She says.

"I've been really busy, but glad to see you." I say.

"Glad to see you too, and who's this little guy?" She asks, leaning down to greet Chris.

"Chris." I say.

"Nice to meet you Chris, I'm Samara." She says while smiling at Chris. He then hides behind me.

"Chris it's okay, she's my friend." I say.

He then shakes her hand and says hi.

"So what do you do here?" I ask Samara.

"Well I just help take care of the kids, like give them food, play with them, that kind of stuff." She says.

"That's great." I say.

"Yes, I love doing that."

"Good, well see you around." I say walking away with Chris.

"Bye Em!" She says.


"I'm gonna miss you Emily." Chris says with a sad face.

"Don't worry lil buddy, I'll come visit you everyday." I say sitting next to him.

"You promise?" He asks, trying not to cry.

"I promise." I say while hugging him.


"Emily wait!" Samara comes rushing towards me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You forgot to give me your number...and I was wondering if-"

"Oh yeah." I laugh. "Sorry, I forgot, but here you go." I say handing her my number.

"It's okay. I'll call you." She smiles.

"Okay." I smile back.

"Oh and I'll take good care of Chris, I can tell you like him already." She says.

"Yes I do, I barely know him, but I've become so close to him now. I want him happy and the best for him." I say.

"That's good Em, well I'll make sure that while he's here, he's happy."

"Good, thank you." I say.

"No problem." She says as she gets close to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and say bye.

Lmao I haven't updated since last year. Sorry guys. I'll seriously try to update more. Like seriously I'll try. If you guys get this chapter to 90+ votes I'll update no later than a few days. If not then idk when. Love ~ K

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