A new life

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Logan: where am I.

God: want to give you second chance to right your wrongs.

Logan: fine.

Logan wakes up in an orphanage and realizes he's 10 years old again.So look around but nobodies there so jumps up and walk outside, after walks for a bit he sees a girl with dark raven hair and violent eyes so he walks up to her.

Logan: why are you alone?

???: all other kids are afraid of me.

Logan: well I'm not afraid of you.

???: why not.

Logan: you don't look scary.

???: what's you're name anyway.

Logan: James Howelett or you can call me Logan.

???: my name is Akeno Himejima.

Logan: want to be friends

Akeno: sure.

(About 17 and half years later)

Rias: he's unbeatable.

Everyone else: this is impossible.

Kokabiel: allow me to show you weapon x or wolverine, kill them now

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Kokabiel: allow me to show you weapon x or wolverine, kill them now.

Kokabiel: allow me to show you weapon x or wolverine, kill them now

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Logan: rrraahhhh

Logan yells as his claws come out everyone is on ready to counter- attack him except Akeno.

Akeno: Logan please stop.

Logan stop dead in his tracks and runs at akeno claws out, the stops right in front of her face.

Logan: aaakennnooo.

Akeno: yes.

She confirms it and falls on her knees, kokabiel gets angry.

Kokabiel: weapon x kill that half- breed whore now.

Logan: well catch up later akeno.

Kokabiel: so you broke my control to bad I will just have to kill you then the whore.

Logan: you can me kill anyone but no one hurts my friends that going cost you your life.

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