Guess who

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Logan unsheaths his claws and lunges at the female magician only to get shot in the head.

Wade:hey it's deadpool I shot you.

Victor:why are you here wade.

Wade:oh you know a job.

Victor:how much are they paying you.

Wade:50 million.why?

Victor:cause I'll give you something even better.

Wade:what would that be.

Victor:serafall do me favor.


Wade:what can I do to her.

Victor:you can only touch, got it.

Wade:better than nothing.

Logan:wait until I get my hands on you deadpool.

Wade:you missed me wolfy.


Wade:I'm here to help.

Logan,Victor,Wade go outside and do what they do best.


Logan:why am I here Azazel.


Logan sneaks in the abandon church and sees a Old crow.

Kokabiel:weapon X.

Logan:they call me wolverine now.

Kokabiel:before you attack I can give you something you want more than anything.

Logan:and what would that be.

Kokabiel:your memories.


Kokabiel:I add a micro chip near your skull, we just have to deactivate.

Logan:what do I have to do.

Kokabiel:just come to with us.


Logan takes off his comm and dropped it on the floor then smashed it.


Wade:God I miss this.

Victor:what are talking about.

Wade:weapon x is back.

Logan:shut it Wade.

Wade:I know one thing.

Logan:and what would that be.

Wade:two of us are getting laid.

Victor grins and Logan punches Wade.

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