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Logan stares at Victor, issei then rush to him

Issei:who the fuck are you.

Victor:frankly I'm disappointed, you haven't mention me.

Logan:there's no point.

Victor:you got yourself a new girlfriend, how cute.

Logan:why are you here?and did you have to blow up part of the building.

Victor:you don't call or write, how else am I supposed to get your attention.

Logan's claw come out as did Victor, so they lunge at each other then serafall gets in the middel of them

Serafall:come on we don't have to fight.

Victor stares at serafall with a sadistic smile then sheath his claws.

Victor:how cute, anyway Jimmy I'm here for one reason.

Logan:what would that be.

Victor:for you of course.


Victor:because were not like them.

Logan:what makes you think I'm anything like you.

Victor:were brothers Jimmy.

Then out of nowhere a magic rune tries hit Logan but Victor gets in the way, surprising everyone.


Victor:don't worry it only a flesh wound.

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