Revenge and new friendships

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Kokabiel: so you think you can kill me hahahaha please don't make me laugh.

Logan: I'm going to cut out your heart.

Logan runs and lunges at kokabiel but he counters him with a giant spear of light which goes there Logan.

Kokabiel: I thought you learned last time that I'm above you.

Logan: I just stalling.

Kokabiel: for what.

Logan: for them.

Everyone charged there attacks and launched them at kokabiel, he then gets up.

Kokabiel: that all you got, cause that the only shot you'll get.

Logan: hey bub.

Logan  lunges at and his claws go threw him, Logan gets enrage and repeatedly stabbing him not stopping until him calms down.

Issei: what kind of monster are you?

Logan: the wolverine

The walks off akeno stop him by the arm.

Akeno: Logan please don't leave me, I need you.

Logan then picks her up bridal style walks over to the group and yells

Logan: we're leaving.

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