-let's not and say we did-

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Chapter two

"You dumb asses! I give you one god damn job-"

"David you're drunk. Do you not remember telling me that you wanted to handle this one yourself?" Finn said, interrupting Davids slurred words.

Millie stood behind the two as they bickered. They had just walked back to the other side of town and to the dingy apartment David called home.

"Oh yeah...I guess I do remember that."

Finn rolled his eyes and Millie giggled from behind. David looked over at her.

"And what did you do little girl?"

Millies smiled shifted into a frown. She crossed her arms and moved her weight to her right hip, popping it out.

"I got him out but he didn't fall for my pretty face like everyone normally does."

David scoffed.

"So I had to pull the old 92 on his ass" Millie continued.

Davids eyebrows raised. "Did you shoot?" he asks.

"She shot him near the ear. Not enough to hurt him, but she sure did scare the shit out of him" Finn said, sitting down at the wooden table with David.

"Hm. I've been told you have a good aim" David said.

Millie nodded, still mad at the nick name he threw at her. David stood up, grabbing on to the table to keep his balance.

"Uh you kids can sleep here tonight. Guest bed room, not the living room. I have a business coming over in the morning."

"Of course you do" Finn said to David, causing David to grin. It was obvious that David liked Finn. Millie noticed this.

"David, why have I never met him?" Millie asks, gesturing to Finn. He looks over to her and then back to David.

"Oh because I just got him in. Apparently he gets the job done and I uh...need someone like that around here" David said.

"Wha- Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how hard I wor-"

"Yes yes, I know you're great but you're soft. You don't like to shoot that gun, he does."

Finn looked back at Millie and grinned. She was angry, after everything she's done for David and he wants to replace her? Her breath thickened with anger and she pressed her lips together hard, trying to keep calm.

"So what...I'm being replaced?" Millie asks.

"Oh no no no. No I need you and you need me. I was thinking more along the lines of partners, ya know. You two can work together."

Finn nodded his head, satisfied with Davids idea. Millie looked up at the ceiling and bit her lip.

"Okay...fine. I'm going to bed...goodnight" she said before storming out, towards the guest room.

"There should be clothes on the dresser! You need to change you look terrible!" David yelled out to Millie. They heard the door slam and David let out a laugh.

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