-double escapee-

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Chapter twenty-four


Never did Millie think she'd find herself heart broken again. Never did she think she'd feel a strong enough feeling for someone, to even get heart broken again. But she had mistaken herself because this time, she found herself more heart broken than before.

"Millie?" she hears a low voice from behind. She knows its David, she'd know Davids voice from miles away. But she didn't have it in her to respond, instead she continued to look forward, getting lost in the sight of her barely shut window.

Early morning, yellowish light hits her sallow face. Her bare knees tucked right under chin. Her arms, that are covered by a certain boy's sweatshirt, hold herself tightly. David swallows nervously, walking further into the room to get a better look at her, sitting in almost fetal position on the hard floor.

"Millie?" David tries again. For the past couple of months he's done everything he can to get her attention. He's done everything he can to remind her to sleep, eat, and shower. Some days are easier, some it takes everything in him to not break down and punch a wall.

It tears him apart to see her hurting and it hurts him even more that there's nothing he can do. David knows that Millie knows, Finn being charged with felony murder and being tried as an adult.

David didn't even need to hear the next set of news, he knows how much time that will land you. Though he hasn't told Millie straight up about his charges or the time he'll serve, he knows she knows. But what she doesn't know, he'll keep to himself for now.

The first few weeks were the easiest. Millie only laid in bed, sometimes crying and sometimes sleeping. Then she started getting sick, waking up in the morning and running straight to bathroom, throwing up the little food she had consumed.

David guessed it was from nerves and stress. But he knew she needed to go to the doctor, for more reasons than just her frequent vomiting and constant exhaustion. She was sad, more than sad and it worried him. He had never seen anyone so down except for once.

It was himself, after he lost his wife and un-born child. He didn't want Millie to end up like that but he knew what she would say is he recommended a head shrink to her. She'd probably pour out his liquor or shoot him, so he decided to let her decide.

But it was becoming unbearable. Watching her everyday just do nothing, engulfed in her own sadness and guilt. She talks very little, but with a certain visitor coming today, David was determined to get her up and functional.

"Millie?" He calls out, in a sterner tone. She moves her head slowly towards him, the side of her face becoming illuminated with the soft morning light. "Yes?" she manages to croak out. David offers her a warm smile, but she's not dumb. She knows the hurt he feels towards what's going on with her.

David walks closer and squats down, setting his arm on his knee. Now that he's closer, he can see the tiredness in her eyes. The way her eyes speak more words than she'll ever say about how she feels. He can see it all.

"Do you want to try and get up? Change or something?" David asks her. She shakes her head, "What's the point?"

He bites the inside of his cheek, trying his hardest to think of a valid answer that she would understand. Instead he comes up with one she'll surely brush off. "Because it'll make you feel better," he tries.

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