-late birthday-

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Chapter twenty

She looks away from the window that shines its early morning light. Her eyes move over the off white sheets, traveling from the bed to the boy that laid beside her before she sat up. Millie smiles to herself, watching as his chest rises and falls heavily, his eye lids lightly shut and his hands resting to the side of him.

She turns away, facing the window again and scooting off the edge of the bed. Millie gets up, walking past the mess on the floor over to the closed door. She reaches for the brassy handle, remembering a similar scene from days before, after the robbery. Accept this time she didn't feel on edge and frighten. All those feelings seem to disappear and be replaced with a sense of calmness.

Millie looks at Finn once more before opening the door and stepping out. She walks out slowly and closes the door quietly, trying her hardest to not wake Finn up.

"Good morning, sunshine," David says to Millie as she walks into the kitchen. He pours a cup of coffee, a much different choice than his usual morning beverage. "Good morning old man," Millie replies with a smile. David grabs his coffee, skipping the sugar like she knows he does. He walks over to the same old creaky wooden table, sitting in the chair he always sits in. Leaning over to the side, David grabs a black case off of the ground, setting it onto the table as he sits straight up again.

Millie grabs a glass that sits by the rusty sink. She fills it up with water before walking over to the table with David, "Whatcha got there?" she asks as she sits down next to him. She takes a sip as David turns to look at her before unlocking the case. "Remember, tomorrow you need to-"

"Talk to those business dudes or whatever," Millie finishes for him. David raises an eyebrow, "Not whatever," he looks away. "It's important," David says in a quieter tone. Millie just rolls her eyes playfully, taking another sip from her water as he begins to mess with the case again. "Where's Finn?" David questions with a grunt as he tries to pry open the case.

"In bed," Millie replies. She leans forward in her chair, setting her glass of water and elbows down onto the table. "What did you guys do last night when I was gone?" David asks, still struggling to open up the case. "We went to dinner with Sadie and Noah," Millie starts. "And then got into a fight with Sadie and Noah."

"Did you throw a punch?" he questions, letting go of the silver handle to get a sip of coffee. "No," Millie replies. David laughs, "then it wasn't a fight," he says looking over at her and squinting as if he was observing something. "What else did you do?" he asks- yet another question. "Came back and went to sleep," Millie says, her words coming out muffled due to her lips being pressed against the glass cup.

"Hm I bet," David says, reaching out towards her. His fingers brush against her neck, pointing to a few darkly, discolored spots she wasn't aware of yet. David laughs and Millie's eyes go wide as her hands go up to her neck to cover whatever he thought was so funny. She had an idea though, of what he thought was so funny.

"Relax kid, I don't care," David states before turning back to mess with the case again. Millie just shakes her head, dropping her hands and smiling. It's silent for a few moments, Millie tilting her glass back and forth, watching as the liquid splashes against the sides. She looks across the kitchen towards the living room where a large, old mirror hangs, observing what David had pointed out.

"What's in the case?" Millie asks, removing her eyes from her far away reflection and back to David. "Yeah what's in the case?" Millie hears from behind.

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