Chapter 2 - Family Gathering

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The morning of Jamies funeral arrived, i couldnt bare to get out of bed; the rain was lashing down at my window. just as i finished getting ready the doorbell rang. I slowly walked downstairs to the door it was Jamies best friend, as he passed on his condolences the whole family arrived. We all congregated in the lounge, the mood thankfully not as heartbreaking as i had imagined it to be. Just as i placed down my glass, out the corner of my eye through the window i saw the hurse slowly make its way into the street. Then the time came. We made our way out to the cars, our neighbours were poking their heads through their blinds and being noisy like always. Tears were running down my face. I felt as if my soul was being ripped apart; in its place was a ball of fiery pain that choked me and swallowed up all joy.

i peered through the window of the hurse and looked at the coffin my son was laying in.

"Its not fair!" i shouted. 'No mother should have to bury their child!' I sobbed as more tears ran down my face.

On the way to the Cemetery the rain carried on pouring and i wiped away the tears from my eyes. I looked out the window and as the funeral procession crawled down the road like a beetle in no hurry, people bowed their heads in respect.

Sorry its not a very long chapter! ill be writing the next one soon! Hope you like it so far :)

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