Chapter 13 - New Dress

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Saturday, 1st September 2001

Hermione was newly awake, feeling a gentle hand caressing her cheek. She knew it was him. Smiling, she kept her eyes closed.

"Morning, love," he greeted. "Open your eyes, the sun is already up." He kissed her forehead, a gesture she loved. Though not the first time he did it, the sensation still sent shivers down her body. She hadn't quite gotten used to it, but she enjoyed the feeling.

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked at the person with dazzling grey eyes standing next to her bed.

"Morning," she yawned.

He waved his wand to open her curtains, allowing the morning light to filter into the room. She sat up, taking his offered hand.

"Come, I made you breakfast."

"You did?" she asked in amazement. "I didn't know you could cook." She took his hand and stood up.

"I'm a man with lots of surprises," he laughed. "Besides, I promised you to let you try my cooking."

"I giggled. "You promised me dinner, not breakfast."

"I promised you food," he said simply.

"Breakfast is easy, dinner is different," she argued.

"Merlin! It's food, Hermione. Just come on, let's have our breakfast." With that, he dragged her out of her room.

Draco had prepared blueberry pancakes, and they were beyond good—they were brilliant. Hermione had never tasted pancakes better than these. The blueberries added an excellent touch. It was obvious he had planned to cook this and even went grocery shopping.

"So, next Saturday is Pansy's birthday," he mentioned during their breakfast.

"I'm aware of that," she answered.

"Her parents will hold a big birthday party like every year."

"So, you'll come to the party with me, right?"

Hermione looked up at him and playfully smiled. "Maybe."

"What are you doing today?"

"Reading books in my room all day, perhaps."

He shook his head. "No, you're going with me today. Let's do some shopping."

"Shopping?" she asked.

"Yes," he smirked at her.


Hermione scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, twirling around in the dress Draco had picked for the party. It was shorter than what she would usually choose, and the revealing front made her uneasy. She suspected Draco deliberately chose it to annoy her.

"Hermione? It's been 10 bloody minutes, and you haven't made a single sound. Are you okay?" Draco's worried voice came from outside.

"Draco, I'm not coming out!" she shouted from within the changing room.

True to form, Draco ignored her words and slid the curtain open, entering the changing room himself. She turned to face him, and his jaw dropped, followed by his trademark smirk.

"Whoa... Hello, Hermio-ouch." She swiftly hit his arm before he could finish mentioning her name.

"I'm not going to wear this!" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"But you look pretty, my love." Draco took a step forward to kiss her cheek, but she stopped him with her left hand.

She pushed him out of the changing room. "I'm changing back into my clothes, and we're going to another store that sells gowns!" With that, she closed the curtain.

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