Chapter 14 - Fight & Secret

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Sunday, 2nd September 2001

Hermione hurriedly entered the coffee shop, spotting Harry sitting alone at a table, gazing down at his coffee and absentmindedly stirring it with a spoon.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she took a seat in front of him.

"Well, I made some horrible mistakes," Harry admitted, his expression troubled.

"Oh, Harry...." Hermione reached out and grabbed his hand. "It's been a week since you said you'll propose to her... did you do it?" she asked cautiously.

In response, Harry took out a small box from his pocket and placed it on the table. Ron arrived at their table, immediately sensing the tension. Harry remained silent, prompting Ron to look at Hermione, who could only shrug in response, equally clueless.

As they sat in silence, a waitress approached, offering them beverages.

"Tea would be fine," Hermione said to the waitress.

"Make it two... and one blueberry scone, please," Ron added before the waitress left their table. The atmosphere remained heavy, prompting Hermione to voice her curiosity.

"Harry, talk to us," she urged, unable to contain her interest.

"I did it... I did propose to her... and she said yes," Harry finally revealed.

"That's great, mate!" Ron's face lit up with happiness. Harry took a sip of his coffee before continuing his story.

"At first... yes, it was great," he began, placing his coffee back on the table. Hermione pressed for more details.

"So what exactly happened?" she inquired, still seeking answers.

Taking a deep breath, Harry continued, "She said yes, and we were this very happy couple... for a second, at least. I started talking about our future and having kids, but she said her career had just started, and then..."

He paused, prompting Hermione to complete his thought, "You had your biggest fight."

"She said that she needs time to think," Harry admitted.

"Don't worry, mate. She'll come around," Ron tried to reassure him.

"So, where is she now?" Hermione interjected with a new question.

"Probably staying at George's. She always did whenever she and Harry had a fight," Ron explained.

Nodding, Hermione kept her thoughts to herself, contemplating how Ginny might also need someone to talk to, a girl talk.

The waiter arrived with their order, and Ron began eating his scone while attempting to lighten the mood for his distressed friend.

"Don't wowwy, Hawwy..." Ron mimicked a child's voice.

"Don't talk when you eat, Ronald. Your scones are everywhere!" Hermione scolded him.

"Yes, Mum," Ron sneered, prompting Harry to giggle at the familiar banter. "You two never changed," he remarked.

"I guess that's a good thing, eh?" Ron laughed.

Hermione smiled and stood up from her seat, announcing, "Where are you going?" Harry asked, watching her movements.

"I'm going to the loo. Excuse me for a moment," she said before leaving their table.

Once certain that her two best friends weren't following her, Hermione retrieved her phone from her pocket and dialed Thea's number. Distance couldn't conceal the concern in Thea's voice when she answered.

"Is everything alright?" Thea inquired.

"Thea, it's me... Hermione," she giggled, realizing the obviousness of her identity.

"Yea, I know," Thea responded.

"Yes, and no, everything's fine... except..."

"What? What happened? Are you alright?" Thea interrupted with worry.

"I'm fine, Thea, really. I just... I need to ask you to do me a favor."

"And what is it?" Thea inquired.

"Could you please come to Weasley Wizard Wheezes and make sure Ginny is alright? She had a fight with Harry, and I couldn't be there for her because Harry needs me... but Ginny needs someone to cheer her up too... could you please do me—" Hermione was cut off by Thea's enthusiastic response.

"I would love to! Oh, I really know about this... I should take her shopping, and maybe we'll do some manicures and pedicures! It'll be fun! Yay!"

Hermione felt gratitude for having Thea in her life now.

"Oh my, thank you so much, Thea. You're an angel! I owe you one!"

"It's nothing... it's a treat for me too... don't worry, Ginny will be fine... I'll get ready now, okay?"

"Okay, Thea. Take care, and thank you so much! You're the best sister I've ever had!" Hermione expressed her gratitude.

Thea laughed, and Hermione joined in.

"I'm the only sister you had, Hermione... but if I'm the best, it's because you made me... take care, Hermione. See you soon."

And with that, Thea ended their conversation.


Thea persuaded Ginny to join her for a shopping spree, recognizing that her friend needed both distraction and camaraderie after a heated argument with Harry. As Ginny emerged from the changing room, Thea awaited her feedback on the chosen outfit.

While occupied with thoughts about Ginny, someone tapped Thea's shoulder. Turning around, she was surprised to see Angela, a 21-year-old witch with wavy blonde hair—a family friend from her time in America.


"Angela?! Hi! I didn't know that you're in England," Thea exclaimed.

"Well, I'm working on something here. Dad sent me to do some stuff about his company here in England, you know, because he said I'm the best and he can't trust anyone else," Angela bragged with a small laugh.

Rolling her eyes internally, Thea nodded politely. Angela continued, "But I know why you're here..." She reached for Thea's left hand, searching for an engagement ring.

Thea quickly withdrew her hand, realizing Angela's assumption. "It's not... I'm not..."

"But I thought I heard you and Draco Malfoy were engaged. My mother told me about it and—"

Shaking her head, Thea interrupted, "Nope, not anymore... I'm calling it off."

"YOU WERE ENGAGED TO DRACO?!" Ginny's exclamation came from behind.

Feeling the weight of the revelation, Thea bit her lips. Now, she had to face Ginny, explaining the situation and extracting a promise to keep the news from her sister.


Hey! I'm sorry for the very very very late update. I've been busy with some project recently but I promised to make this one finished before June or maybe at least will finish it on June. This chapter dedicated to paigejunge Mousie84 Kriti_Agrawal Liliatuatagaloa that been voting on my story. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me


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