chapter 1

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Authors note-


Hey guys! Vanessa and Rehyana here! Alrighty this is our frist story together here on wattpad so show us some love please(: read and comment/ review to helpus make it better J thanks! Enjoy <3 ( characters belong to the vampire diaries creaters, were just making the storyline)

PG-13 rating, for cursing and mild fluff, as of NOW.


15 Days to Love- Damon and Elena


Chapter one

Damon’s  P.O.V.


          Im on my knees in an abandoned factory, in front of a man I assume is Klaus I’ve never seen him in my life and for the first time in my life, I feel defeated and weak having anger building up, yet I can’t do anything about it.


           I was making my way out of the house to the bar, it was Saturday night and I have nothing better to do; I get into my black mercasdies and drive to “Wickery Nightclub” as I enter the club I see a lot of attractive women, I smirk and make my way to the bar “a large bourbon” while the waiter makes my drink I scan the room to see a red head wearing a dress that hugs her perfectly, not really my type but will have to do for tonight,

 “Hey handsome, you here all alone”

“Yeah, can I buy you a drink?”

 “Sure why not im Karen by the way”

“Nice to meet you Karen, im Damon” I say with a smirk,

“Here’s your drink sir”

“Thanks and a...”


 “Beer for the lady, so what brings you here on a Saturday Night?”

“Just partying, you?” she says leaning in

“Just searching for a good lay”

“I think you’re in luck” she says winking and brings her lips to mine, we just start to make out when my phone rings

“One sec” I say irritated by whose on the other line


“AH Damon, im sure I didn’t disturb you”

“Who is this?”

“Klaus, and I have Stefan, and if you want to see him alive, get to the Abandoned Church five minutes down main” and he hung up I didn’t want to believe him but I had a bad feeling he really did have Stefan 

“Im sorry I’ve got to go its important”

“But what about...” I don’t let her finish throw some bills on the table and make my way out of the club

End of flash back

 “So Stefan tells me you have no idea what’s going on and yet you’re the oldest. Doesn’t it hurt to know that your father left all of his fortune to the youngest son he had?” says Klaus. Ignoring his statement I say,

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