chapter 4

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Hi Guys, its Nessa and Reh, so we've been writting chapters latlely and we'd love to hear your ideas, so plz comment and vote for us, thank you xxoo

Elena P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open and they feel heavy, my mouth feels dry and my feet hurt. When i realize i'm not on my comfy bed, my senses kicked in and i remember what happen a couple of hours ago, i squirm and realize I'm in a car, i try to yell but something on my mouth muffles the noise, 

“lu-lu-lu-e-e-e mmmmm!!” i tried to say let me out, but it sounded like the ancient language.

i start to panic 

“i see your finally awake” 

i hear a deep masculine voice say from my left, i look to see a guy, in his early twenties, with raven black hair that cover his forehead, his eyes are the shade of blue that i've only dreamt about. His full lips are pulled in a tight line with a light stubble surrounding it. He has the cutest nose that makes his dangerous appearance soften a little . He's wearing a tight black shirt, and i can see a faint outline of his six...wait wooh this is the guy that kidnapped me 

“listen now; elena is it, if i take the tape off your mouth, promise me you wont scream” i think it over, and it would be in my best interest since i cant talk i shake my head, he ripped the tape of my face, and i hold the urge to scream


 “good, now you hungry cause i have...” he starts 

“listen who are you?” i ask slightly scared but something tells me he wouldn’t hurt me, it is silence in the car again, i lean against the window and stare out, all i see are trees, forgetting the thought of my escape, i look at the clock and it’s already 4 in the morning the sun should be coming up soon i look out the window again and hear 

“Damon, Damon Salvatore, if your hungry theres soda and a sandwich help yourself” he says  

“why did you kidnap me” i say a little to harsh than intended. I hear him mumble something under his breath and see his knuckles start to turn white from how hard he is holding on to the steering wheel

 “why i did what i did i can not tell you yet, so shut up” i look into his icy blue eyes that seem to have a magnetic pull i try to look away but i cant 

“ you’re the one that kidnapped me and your yelling at me like i killed your brother or something” suddenly the car comes to a halt and i jerk forward but his hand grab my shoulder before my head hits the dashboard, he unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out of the car, my heartbeat picks up when i see him walk over to my side he pulls the door open, grabs my upper arm  and yanks me out and shoves me against the car 

“listen bitch you have no idea what i had to go through this weekend, my life changed dramatically, ok and you are the only person that i can blame” he says angrily,

 i can feel the anger radiating off of him i look at his face and my eyes linger on his lips for a moment to long, he pushes me aside and kicks the tire, i can swear it hurt but he acts like its nothing 

“get in the car” he yells, 

with the little courage i have i yell back 

“NO, I'm not getting in that car with you, i don't care what you’ve been through, i have been through a lot too, blaming your problems on me wont get you any where, now since we are in the middle of fucking no where, why don't you tell me what the fuck it is that you want” i say shoving him in the chest , suddenly his angry expression is masked with an annoying smirk, that any other time i would find very attractive

 “soo... Elena, we are stuck in the middle of know where and if i do anything to you” he says looking at me head to toe, and i cursed Caroline out in my head for picking such a short dress

 “no one will hear you” he says stepping closer to me, suddenly feeling a little scared 

“i suggest you get into the car” he says moving a strand of my hair behind my ear, i shiver as his slightly rough hand makes contact with my skin, not trusting him i shove him and sit in the car, cursing him and caroline until he gets into the car, i move away and stare outside, not one of us talk, i want to yell and hit him so bad but i just sit there, theres a reason why he kidnapped me and i need to know it, but if I'm lucky and run away i wont have to see his extremely attractive face again.

one hour later 5 am 

my stomach starts to grumble and the last time i ate was around 7 before Caroline's party so i'm starving, with out thinking i say 

“im hungry”  

“theres a burger and soda eat up”

“theres no way i'm eating that” 

“stop being such a brat and eat the damn sandwich ” 

“i am not a brat and i’m hungry but i don't know what you did to the sandwich” i say defensively 

 “can’t we stop somewhere please; i also have to pee” i say what i know I'm kidnapped, but you gotta go when you gotta go, and besides it will get me away from his grumpy ass for a little 

“fine theres a motel 5 kilometers from here we can stop there” he says irrated 

“fine” i say sticking my tough out at him when he's not looking at me 

“i saw that” 


When we reach the disgusting looking motel, i step out and try to make a run for it, but just as I'm about to sprint, Damon grabs me by the waist and whispers in my ear

“don't even think about it, theres no where you can go Elena” i admire the way my name sounds on his tongue for a second and then yell 

“I'm sure theres someone in there that will call the cops on your ass” without hesitation, damon lifts me over his shoulders and starts to walk towards the ugly entrance sign

“put me down” i yell pounding on damon's back 

“shut up” he says walking inside 

“hi can i get a room for me and her” 

“sure man...” 

“what the hell, a girl hanging upside down here and your giving this dick a room, call the cops or something” i yell and all he does is laugh, he laughs at me

“don't laugh you jerk, he kidnapped me, help me, call the cops, do something” i yell, and might i add I'm still hanging upside down on damon's shoulders 

“ignore her, she's just pissed, i was flirting with her best friend, and she's also a little drunk” he winks at the dude, and puts up 8 fingers, then grabs the keys to the room and turn around, i see the guy behind the counter wink at me 

“ewww yuck, fucking idiot, stupid, dumb ass, piece of shit, don't you dare wink at me" i yell while damon makes his way up the filty stairs and into a very ugly room "I'm screwed" i mumble 

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