Chapter three

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Austin's POV

I woke up and took a shower, when I got out I put on my white v-neck shirt with my black leather jacket and ripped jeans with my black converses and headed downstairs.
"Morning mom" I said, as I sat down
"Morning Austin" my mom said, as she handed me my breakfast
"Yes! Pancakes!" I said, and began to eat my pancakes. When I finished I went upstairs to brush my teeth, then I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door
"Bye mom! Love you!" I yelled
"Bye sweetie!" my mom yelled back
When I got to school, I went to my locker to get my books
"Okay, let see, I need my history, English, and Spanish notebooks" I said, to myself as I grabbed my books and put them in my backpack
"Hey Buddy!"  my best friend Dez said
"AHH!" I screamed in a high pitch voice and jumped a little, Dez laughed
"You scream like a girl" he said, I rolled my eyes at him and closed my locker
"I do not" I defened
"Whatever you say" he said, I chuckled
"Come on, lets go" I said, he smiled and we started walking ,then the bell rang and we sprinted to our History class.

"Mr. Moon, and Mr. Fisher your late" Mrs. Hart said
"Sorry" me and Dez said
"Take your seats" Mrs. Hart said, me and Dez did as we were told and took our seats in the back of the classrom
"As I was saying, today class we will be learning about World War II" Mrs. Hart said, I opened my History notebook and began to take notes, then I got bored and began to doddle on the side of my notes
"Man, this is so borning" I thought then the bell rang and me and Dez went to our next class. When it was lunch time me and Dez sat at our table and began to eat our lunch
"Man, today is going super slow" Dez said, as he took a sip of his juice
"Yeah, well we only have two more classes left and thats it" I said, as I took a bite out of my sandwhich, Dez nodded in agreement and continued to eat his pudding. Then the bell rang and me and Dez headed for our last two classes of the day. When school was finally over, me and Dez went to our lockers to get our books
"Hey buddy want to go to the mall?" Dez asked me, as he closed his locker
"Yeah sure" I said, as I closed my locker and put my books in my bag

We went to the parking lot and and got in my car.
"I wish I had a car" Dez said, as we got closer to my BUG
"I know buddy" I said, and unlocked the doors. I placed my bag in the back seat and waited for Dez to get in the passenger seat.
"Ready?" I asked him, as he buckled himself
"Yup" he said, with a smile, I chuckled and drove to the mall. When we got to the mall, we went start to the food court.
"Were should we eat first" Dez said
"How about the Max's Burger" I said, Dez smiled and nodded
"Yeah, they have the best burgers in Mami" Dez said, as we started to walk towards the resturant. Once we entered, we found a booth and sat down. Then, a waiter came
"Hello,  my name is Ashton and I will be your waiter. Welcome to Max's Burgers, what would you like to drink?"
"I will have some lemonade" I said
"And you sir?" Ashton said, facing Dez
"The same" Dez said
"Okay two lemonades coming up, I will be back with your drinks" Ashton said, handing us our menus.After 15 minutes of waiting Ashton came back
"So what would like to eat?"
"I will have the doule jalapeño chesee burger" I said as I gave my meneu to Ashton
"I will have a triple cheese burger with jalapeños and a large side of fries please" Dez said as he closed his meneu and gave it to Ashton
Okay I will be ack with your food" Ashton said, and left
"So Dez when do you want to make a music video?" I said
"Well how about thursday" he said
"Okay sure we ould record me playing some instruments at tha store. Whats the name of it again" I said as I took a sip of my lemonade
I think it called SONIC BOOM" Dez said
"Okay, then we will go there on Thursday" I said. Our food came and we agn eating our hamurgers When we finished we payed and left the resturant and of course we left a tip for Ashton. We walked around the mall checking out girls of course and getting their numbers.
"Hey man its getting late we sould go" Dez said I nodded and we started walking to the parking lot and got in my Bug.
"Want to crash at my place I asked Dez
Yeah sure" he said
"Okay dude but don't want to get some clothes first?" I said
"Naw I got clothes in my backpack" Dez said as he patted is backpack. I chuckled and drove into my driveway
"Mom! Dad! Im home!" I yelled as me and Dez entered the house
"Hi sweetie, hey Dez" my mom said
"Hi Mrs. Moon" Dez said
"Is oaky, if Dez spends the night here?" I asked my mom, she smiled and nodded her head
"Thanks Mrs. Moon" Dez said, and hugged her
"Your welcome Dez, now go to bed its late" she said
"Okay night mom" I said, and kissed her cheek
"Night Austin, Night Dez" she said, as she kissed our cheeks
"Night mom, I mean Mrs. Moon" Dez said. Me and my mom chuckled
"Come on buddy" I said, as me and Dez went upstairs to my room
"Okay were want to sleep?" I asked Dez, as I took off my shirt and pants
"The ground" he said, as he slipped on his pjs
"Okay, here you go" I said, and handed him a blanket and a pillow
"Thanks" he said, as he layed out the blanket and pillow
"Here you go buddy" I said, as I handed him another blanket to cover himself
"Thanks Austin, well night" he said, and fell asleep
"Night Dez" I said, with a chuckle and fell asleep

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