Chapter five

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Ally's POV
"Guess who got a job at the magic store!" Trish said, as she eneterd Sonic Boom in a magician's outfit
"What about your job at cupcake city?" I asked
"Apperantly, being a horrible employee is grounds for determation. Isn't that shocking?" she said, as she placed something on me making me shake
"Magic schock finger. Oh, I better go I started my five mintue break two hours ago."she said,
"They wanna know, know your name name," Trish sang, as she began to leave
"Hey!" I yelled, she turned around and started to walk towards me still singning
"They want the girl, girl with game, game" she sang
"Were did you hear that song?" I asked, her
"Its all over the Interent" she said
"The Internet?" I asked
"The place were people go on the computer to look at stuff, and shop.." she said
"I know what the Internet is" I said
"You serously haven't seen this video?" she said, I nodded
"Here look" she said, as she took out her phone and the video of that kid that came yesterday started to play singing MY SONG!

"Thats my song! How can he still my song like that! He messed with the wrong girl" I said, when the video finished
"Get angry, me likely" Trish said, I grabbed her phone and started to type
"There Allycat88 doesn't like your video. Take that Austin! Whoo! Yeah!" I said
"Calm down, before you type a frowny face and really hurt his feelings. Come on we are going to give him a piece of your mind" Trish said
"Come on lets go. Just need to find out were he lives" I said, as we started to walk to the door
"Um.. the Internet, you know the place were people go and look at stuff" Trish said, as we exited Sonic Boom
"I know what the Internet is" I said

"Found him!" Trish said
"Okay, lets go" I said, we took a bus and found the street, then we found the address and knocked on the door
"Hello" a women opened the door
"Hi, were friends of Austin, is he here?" Trish said
"Oh yeah upstiars in his room" she said, as we entered
"Thank you" I said, we headed upstairs and I knocked on the door
"Hey!. Its Ally from the Music store" Dez said, as he opened the door
Hi, Im Trish, big fan, Oh sorry" Trish said
"Look, Im here to... Um..What are you doing?" I asked, as Dez squezzed something into a small bottle
"I'm making my own colonge, Its called AUSTIN, AUSTIN AUSTIN" Austin said
"Here wanna try some" Dez said, as he squirted some and landed on Trish's face
"I don't like you" Trish said, to Dez with a mad face
"Look, Im not here to see your junky Austin junk, you stoled my song. You heard me playing it in the music store" I said, as I faced Austin
"Thats were the song came from? I thought I made it up. I guess that makes more sense, since I actually never written a song before. I tried but there all terrible" Austin said
"I wrote that song and you have to tell everybody the truth" I said
"I can't, do you know how emberassing that would be for me? Consider my feelings, are you really that selfish?" he said
"So based on that ridiculious response, I'm guessing your not going to do anything?" I said
"No,No, I want to make this right. How about a life size chocolate Austin!" he said, as he opened his closet and a life size chocolate appeared. I sighed and left the room
"Is that milk chocolate or dark chocolate" I heard Trish say
"Trish!" I yelled from downstairs

We went back to Sonic Boom and turned on the T.V
"Thats right LIVE, LIVE, LIVE" Helen said, I turned off the T.V and went to the counter
"How, can he does to me!" I said
"Well,, he did steal your song" Trish said, I looked at her and rolled my eyes
"Hey, he is going to be on the Helen show tonight, right?" Trish said, I nodd my head
" I say we crash his interview and tell the whole world the truth" she said
"On live television, in front of people? I can't do that" I said
"You have to, that guy is a low song stealing thief!" she said, then her phone rang,
"Its a catchy song" she said, as she turned off ther phone
"Thats it. Dad I'm taking my break! I gotta go interrupt a live television braod cast!" I yelled
"Okay, have fun" my dad said, as he opened the door from upstairs and popped his head out

"Come Trish, were going to be the suprise guest on the Helen show" I said, as we left Sonic Boom
"Which way to the Helen set?" I asked Trish, as we got off the bus
"This way!" she said, and we found the Helen Show set and entered. Once we were inside there was a security guard in the front desk, I pulled Trish back and she rolled her eyes
"What now Ally?" she said
"Okay, the only thing standing between us, and telling the truth about Austin. Is that guard!" I said, and pointed to the guard 
"The trick is to act like your suppose to be here. You gotta excusd confinced" I sadi, as we headed towards the front desk, were the guard is at
"Can I help you ladies?" The guard asked
"No!" I yelled then chuckled
"Aha, yes were looking for the kitchen, or bathroom! Were friends with berny, or lulu?" I said, then Trish pulled me back
"Were going to the Helen show. Were musicians in Austin Moon's band" Trish said, with a deep professional voice
"Look! You Austies been trying to sneak in here all day. Hes dreamy, thats songs catchy, I get it. Sorry ladies, if your name is not on my list your not getting in" the guard said
"Did I mean musicians, no what I meant to say is MAGICIANS!" Trish said, and threw a ball of smoke, we made a run for it and found Helens studio
"Its go time" Trish said
"I-I can't do this. There a stage out there, you know I have stagefright" I said
"I know its scary but, you can do it. I'm here for you, take all the time you need" Trish said
"Thanks Trish I really apperica-" I said, but Trish cut me of
"Times up!" she said, and dragged me inside the room
"Hold everything! Were here to tell you the truth, that guy is a weasel! And not like a cute weasel you want as a pet. More like a lying evil weasel who steals music, he has never written a song because he can't and.....This isn't the Helen show" I said, as I realized we were in a news room
"This just in, the Helen show tapes next door" The anchor man said. The door opened and the lady security guard entered and took us out.

"You did your best" Trish said, as we go on the bus, on our way back to Sonic Boom
"I knw, now the world doesn't know the truth about Austin" I said, as we arrived at the amll
"Im sorry Ally.I'm going back to work, well bye Ally" Trish said, as she hugged me, I hugged her back and let her go
"Bye Trish" I said, after she left, I started walking back to Sonic Boom
"Hey honey, how was it?" my dad asked me as I entered
"Oh, hey dad, and not so great" I said, as I went towards the counter
"Im sorry honey, well Im going on my break see you later honey" he said, as he hugged me
"Bye dad" I said, and watched him leave the store. There weren't many people so I went to the piaono that we have for costumers to play, and I started to play a little

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